In this article you will know the 3 types of people to increase your success who you should surround yourself with.
Every day you are surrounded by different people. Some who inspire us, encourage us and drive us with their positive energy.
On the other hand, we have those that produce the opposite effect: they drain our energy, they do not make us feel weak and they stop our intentions to move forward.
There are others that amuse us but at the same time distract us from our path. And although we had a sensational time with them, we are clear that we will not learn anything new.
Surround yourself only with people who lift you higher” Oprah Winfrey Click To Tweet
Renowned entrepreneurs argue that much of their success is due to keeping the right company.
Unfortunately, it is very possible that most of the people around you do not have the same ideas of creating a business; and for that reason, they are not going to help you with your goals and ideals. Nor are they going to contribute to your life what you need.
I write the word “unfortunately” because it is very likely that your closest friends do not share your dreams.
What to do about it?
You cannot wait for coincidences to form the social circle you need to shape your future.
It is your duty to go out and find and surround yourself with the kinds of people to increase your success. And the only way is by going to places where they meet frequently:
- conventions.
- Seminars.
- Training.
- Courses.
- etc.
Your duty from now on is to create a new network of friends. (Find here 6 Tips to create a solid network and increase your profits)
The rule is very simple. Spend most of your time with those people who make you grow and minimize your interactions with those who don’t.
“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with” Jim Rohn Click To Tweet
Success requires immense determination and work. However, much of your success will depend on your ability to communicate and connect with those who have already achieved it.
Surround yourself with these 3 types of people to increase your success.
Entrepreneur and creator of the Addicted2Success portal, Joel Brown, says that if you want to be truly great, you must have three people with you at all times:
- An older and more successful person than you from which you can learn.
- another similar person to you with whom you can share and exchange ideas.
- And a person to whom you can teach everything what you have learned
The only way to be better than you are is by challenging yourself. And to challenge yourself, it’s key that you surround yourself with people who put you in difficult situations; moments in which you should give your best; and circumstances that force you to leave your comfort zone.
Look for passionate people, with great ethics, experts in the topics that interest you the most.
Creating a company is a path with many ups and downs, but if you walk it with people you respect and value for their contributions, the motivation to keep going will never end.
“Surround yourself with dedicated and intelligent people, to create something that is not just a one person demo. It is important that you are with people who believe in what you are doing, than with experts who do not share your dream” Niklas Zennstrom
You already know what types of people you should surround yourself with to increase your success. Also, you are aware that from now on you must go looking for them. And that to do it, you must acquire skills; which will help you achieve your dream of creating a company 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.