It may sound taboo, but you should always leave the office when your hours are over if you are looking for success in both your work and personal life.
We all need to practice the art of leaving the office on time, says Design & Built Recruitment director Andrew McGregor, who says adhering to this standard is essential if you want to achieve the best in all aspects of your life.
Also read: 4 strategies to maintain a balance between your work and your personal life.
We constantly hear the phrase: “Life is a balance”, which includes prioritizing our work (our career and ambitions) and our lifestyle (health, pleasure, leisure, rest, family, etc).
McGregor says he believes blindly in this rule and explains below the reasons why it works.
7 reasons why staying longer in the office does not make you a good professional.
1. Work is a process that never ends.
It is completely impossible for you to finish everything you have to do in one day. You will always have new tasks, so you should start planning for the long term and not for 1 day.
2. The interests of your clients are important, but those of your family too.
Two hours at night for your family is not enough to maintain a balance. Your family will enrich your life far more than a client will ever be able to. Give them the time they deserve.
3. If you fail in your life, neither your clients nor your bosses will help you get up, your family will.
There is nothing more true. The only ones who are with you through thick and thin are your family. No one will do anything for you if they don’t get something in return, your family acts for different reasons.
4. Life is not just your job.
As much as you enjoy your work and feel very proud of what you do, the joys and triumphs will always be more satisfying with your family. Spend time doing new things with them and going on new adventures.
5. Someone who stays late at the office is not working hard.
Many people may be against this statement. They think that staying longer is dedication and love for work. However, highly successful people use their time so efficiently that they get things done in the time allotted for work. If you are working 10 or 12 hours a day, assess whether those extra hours are really adding value to your life. Plan your day before you start it, if you try to do it at 10 in the morning it’s already too late.
Also read: 4 habits to stay incredibly productive.
6. You did not study or strive in life to become a machine.
A machine can run 24 hours a day with proper maintenance and fuel. On the contrary, you cannot do it. You have 8 hours to work, 8 hours to sleep, and 8 hours to yourself.
Everything you do in those 8 hours that are for you will form your personal happiness.
7. Never let your boss make you stay longer and never ask your employees to do it.
If this happens it is because he or she is inefficient at what they do or has a very unbalanced personal life.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.