We know that there are 24 hours in the day that must be enough for us to work, sleep and eat. So we planned our schedule of activities. We prepare with the best attitude and we believe that everything is ready. Pro we do not think if everything is ready to reach our maximum productivity.
We started our day when suddenly we heard the sound of a WhatsApp message. Then we respond and proceed to continue with our work plan.
After a short time a notification from Facebook arrives, we review it, give a like and continue with our work. By the time we realize it, it’s already noon and we haven’t done even half of what we had planned.
It is not simply about the time we waste on irrelevant things, it is about the fact that whenever we want to return to the activity we are doing, something called “attention residue” occurs, which prevents us from fully concentrating and reaching our maximum productivity.
Also read: The naive mistake of doing several things at the same time
One way to prevent distractions is by being aware of what the most common distractions are! So let’s review:
Reach your maximum productivity by avoiding these distractions.
Carrerbuilder, a platform that makes it easier to find a job, together with the Harris Poll, a survey firm, surveyed 2,175 Human Resources managers about the most common causes of wasted time. The results were the following (from highest to lowest incidence):
- Cell phone calls and texts.
- Internet.
- Gossip.
- Social networks.
- E-mail.
- Chat with coworkers.
- meetings.
- Breaks to smoke or eat.
- The noise of companions.
- Sitting in a cubicle.
How many of these cases have you been a victim of?
As a curious fact, the survey also returned results about the most unusual and strange causes of wasted time. And they are employees:
- Bathing (BATHING!!!!) in a sink.
- Trying to hypnotize other employees into quitting.
- Drinking vodka and watching Netflix.
- Sleeping in the CEO’s chair.
- Searching for cute cats on Google.
- Flying drones in the office.
- Puncturing the tires of a partner’s car.
- Playing video games in the bathroom.
Whether you have a weakness for checking Twitter…or Vodka, do what you can to eliminate these root causes.
Disable notifications from social networks, use headphones so as not to be distracted by other people’s conversations, in short; if feasible, eliminate as many distractions as possible. Your time will thank you, you will reach maximum productivity and the good results will come sooner rather than later.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.