Poor people will never understand this.
My wife and I were totally broke. In 2010 we had enormous debt and a monthly income that was close to the US poverty line. Back then I was a troubled entrepreneur and my wife worked at a pet store.
We were completely ordinary people. In this case terribly dissatisfied and common. For most people, being mired in huge debt just paralyzes them. The idea of paying becomes impossible and financially eternal instability.
However, our attitude was different. $100,000 in debt was not going to stop us. We knew that we could get out of that abyss and achieve everything we dreamed of. And we did it, we ended our debt. We had to join a life of sacrifices and limitations but in 2014 we managed to pay all the money we owed and along the way I learned three lessons, lessons that poor people will never understand.
Poor people will never understand this:
1. Fast money is the money that disappears the fastest.
The road to debt is very difficult, but the journey to wealth is brutal. I’ve seen so many people lose money in get-rich-quick schemes that I’ve lost count. You must be patient when paying your debts and building your sources of income. Every problem or failure has a purpose and your path to wealth is no exception.
Also read: The longer you take to achieve success, the longer it will last
2. If you want something you’ve never had, you must do things you’ve never done.
Our dreams have been bigger than our income. Which meant that our jobs alone were not going to cover our vision. Something had to change, either our dreams or our lives. We chose the second. My wife and I have a theory. Every individual can generate an extra $4,000 per month. Unfortunately not everyone has the stamina to do it. For this reason most people are in the “Most People” category. Create a business outside of your job, start working as a freelance, launch a product. The only way to live an extraordinary life is not to live an ordinary life.
Also read: How to make sacrifices that no one is willing to make.
3. If you can’t pay cash you can’t have it.
Dave Ramsey says, “Act on your income.” The cultural mentality of false needs is only a lack of discipline. We must reach a point of maturity where we start to create a budget, know exactly where we spend our money and stop buying things we can’t or need to buy. To summarize we must learn to say no in order to say yes in the future.
Also Read: Dave Ramsey’s Tips on Financial Education.
This world will always tell you that you need to have things to be somebody. Do not listen to him. Money is a hoax. Materialism is a disease. Poverty is a choice. There is no better time in history to be financially stable so choose carefully. Come out of the darkness and own your life.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.
This article was originally published on startupcamp.com. Its translation and publication in ModoEmprendedor has been authorized directly by the author and cannot be reproduced by any other means.