Our life is a constant pursuit of goals. Whether it is learning how to invest in bitcoin or creating your company in a year; we are always thinking about how to achieve a goal.
It is clear that not all of us have the same goals, hence we do not all achieve the same results. Surely the objectives of Bill Gates were not the same as those proposed by the manager of a bank branch or an army sergeant.
The truth is that not all people spend enough time to really know what makes them happy and how they can achieve it.
Then, whathow to achieve your goals?
Like everything in life, the secret is in the habits. Exercising, eating healthy and getting up early become a constant in our lives if we make them a habit.
Therefore, this time we have a proposal: what if you set a goal that you must meet in the next 100 days?
If you accept, you must follow a process that allows you to set a smart goal and eventually achieve it no matter what difficulties come your way.
Procedure to know how to achieve your goals.
Bill Murphy Jr, a writer for Inc.com and founder of Proghostwriters.com, has a very effective 5-step procedure.
1. Make a goal.
You need a target, obviously, and steps 1 and 2 of this process are all about choosing the right target. To be more specific, you need a goal that is worthwhile, quantifiable, and achievable.
Think that your goal should:
Worth: We will discuss this later in #. #2, but there’s nothing worse than working hard for something that isn’t worth your time and energy.
be quantifiable: Weak targets are not allowed. To use the example of wanting to train to run a marathon in 100 days, it’s not enough to say, “I want to get in better physical shape.” Instead, you need something you can measure, such as: I must be able to run 26.2 miles. This will make it easier for you to plan your training. Otherwise, how will you really know if you’ve been successful?
be reachable: If your goal is “easy”, you probably don’t need a 100-day follow-up plan. But, you also don’t want to prepare for something you’ll never have the opportunity to achieve.
2. Question your objective.
To avoid choosing the wrong goal, you should ask yourself “why” while setting the goal. Ask yourself why you want to achieve this particular goal.
After answering that question, you will have to ask it again, and preferably one more time. Each time, you are likely to reveal a bigger target. For example:
Why run a marathon? Because it’s a challenge, and because 26.2 miles is a marker that will show I’ll be in better physical shape.
Why do you want to be in better physical shape? For my health in general.
Why are you concerned about your general health? Because I want to live as long as I can and spend as much time on this planet with my family as I can.
The point is to make sure that whatever is going to happen in 100 days will help you achieve a greater purpose. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Learn more about Brain Hacking and who invented the “5 Whys” technique.
3. Make a road map.
You have a goal. You have 100 days. Now you need to create a map. You can split them up however you like, but it’s more useful to split your end goal into three 30-day increments, followed by a final 10-day increment.
This gives you four important dates before the 100 days.
Think about those small goals that you must achieve to achieve the ultimate goal. Continuing with the example of the marathon, which is to run 26.2 miles, set 3 dates with their respective goals. Eg On day 30 I should be able to run 8 miles; on day 60, 16 miles; on the 90th, 22 miles; and the last 10 days will be a time for you to push yourself to the maximum.
4. Plan the days.
You already have a 100-day calendar with four marked stages. Now, you must establish what you will do every day. You should even schedule rest days.
This is literally a marathon, not a sprint. It also doesn’t matter much if when planning your days, you realize that you will need a little more than 100 days to achieve your goal. You’ll still have plenty to be proud of if you need a few extra weeks and end up hitting your goal a few weeks later; the important thing is that you plan and keep your word.
5. Follow up.
Now we move from planning to reality and it is very important to follow your progress every day.
You were supposed to run 8 miles on the 30th, did you do it? You had to find 50 leads, did you? If when you follow up you realize that you are not complying, you should try harder to catch up with the challenges you set.
It is normal to have to readjust these small goals, but you must leave your soul to meet your goal in the proposed time. Otherwise, you will start putting off dates until the motivation you started with wears off and you end up giving up.
-Think about the goal.
-Make sure you do it for the right reasons.
-Make a route map with 4 objectives.
-Plan what you will do each day.
– Follow up on your process.
Well, what is your goal?
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.