Starting your business requires investment and one of the options is that you must get a job not only to raise the necessary funds but also to acquire the knowledge, experience and perhaps the maturity to face the path of the entrepreneur.
For this reason, it is vital to take into account the importance of a good resume, since it can get you the interview you need and take you one step closer to the independence you so long for. The founder of Right Résumés, LLC Jane Heifetz, assures that there is nothing quick or easy when perfecting a resume to be effective, that’s why ModoEmprendedor advises you what to do and what not to do.
1. Start stomping.
A study carried out by “The ladders”, a community that facilitates the job search, showed that employers only take 6 seconds to make the decision to continue reading a resume or not, hence the importance of your first 15 -20 words. From the beginning you must engage.
A good strategy is to write something directly related to the job they are looking for, here it is vital that you can get more detailed information about what the company requires. For example, if you need an account executive for a new product, start with “I characterize myself as a responsible person who fully complies with the tasks entrusted” does not say anything that is useful to the employer, on the contrary, start with “account executive with extensive experience developing and implementing product launch strategies” sends a message saying “I AM THE ONE!”
2. Make it visually practical.
According to the study conducted by -The ladders- employers spend at least 80% of the time reviewing the following data:
-Previous work and start and retirement dates.
-Current job and start date.
You don’t want this information to be hard to find. In addition, take into account the font (that is not a “very creative” letter that can make reading difficult), the size of the letter (that can be seen) and also put the dates in chronological order. If the first job is much more relevant, write that one first and start from there, if, on the contrary, the last job speaks better about you, start with that one and continue with the previous ones.
Jane Heifetz is emphatic in saying that it’s not about how fancy your resume is, it’s about making it clear, clean and elegant while keeping it simple.
3. Adapt it.
Each job you are looking for may require slightly different profiles, highlight the achievements and responsibilities that may be most influential in deciding if you meet the requirements. You should not put absolutely everything you have done unless it is totally relevant and remember that the shorter and more concise your resume is, the easier the employer’s job and you project yourself as someone who gets to the point.
4. Receive opinions (Before sending it!!).
When we describe ourselves, it is possible that we talk more about the account or that, on the contrary, we underestimate ourselves and in a resume you do not need either of the two, it is the balance that will bring you closer to the interview. So ask someone to read it and they can be critical and 100% honest with you.
That extra revision also serves to detect spelling and writing errors.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.
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