Have you ever dreamed of quitting your job and make money traveling?
For most mortals that is an option with very little chance. Since depending on a salary blocks the possibilities; spending savings is a very high risk; or leaving your company in the hands of others could be a serious mistake.
However, technology has completely broken the barriers of time and space giving us the opportunity to communicate from anywhere in the world in real time; only using a laptop or smartphone and internet connection.
That’s how Danika and Chris Garlotta quit their jobs, sold everything, rented their apartment in San Francisco, and started traveling the world. Since they started her adventure, they describe it on her blog nodestinations.com.
In 2013, Danika was the head of marketing for a hotel group. While Chris was working as a graphic designer and web developer at different companies; when they made the decision to quit their jobs and go see the world.
This was not a last minute decision, they planned to start working independently taking advantage of their experience and contacts.
Additionally, Chris works on his own app, ZingSale, which provides a price tracking service, helping his customers save money through alerts that go off when a product goes on the market or drops in price.
Nodestinations currently offers different guides to hotels, restaurants and activities in the places they have been. In addition to having a whole store of incredible photos on their website.
It is logical to think that working in these conditions can lead to communication problems with clients; and even the fact of traveling generates distractions that would end up affecting the results of their projects.
However, the couple stated, for the Business Insider portal, that they are much more productive under those circumstances; since they don’t waste time moving around and they don’t have the same distractions that occur in an office.
In fact, they have managed to work less, maintaining the same results; for which they consider that making money traveling is an excellent strategy.
They acknowledge that despite earning less money than in San Francisco, their standard of living has not declined; since they strive to live in cities with lower costs and avoid luxurious hotels.
Despite the advantages of this style of work, there are some disadvantages, since they depend on good internet connections. For this reason, they recommend having a phone that has its own connection and trying to recognize sites with Wi-Fi; such as cafes and restaurants in case of an emergency.
The couple who began their journey in March 2014 have visited Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Morocco, the Netherlands. , Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, England and Vietnam.
Amazing, right?
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.