In this article you will learn How to transmit confidence in work teams.
Throughout history we have seen great projects that, due to their ingenuity and innovation, open the minds of the new generations. In addition, they shape the lifestyle we currently have.
For this to be possible, there were leaders who carried out the initial idea, they were able to overcome the difficulties; and as in every story with a happy ending, they gave life to their purpose.
This leads us to think about the characteristics that a good leader should have and we always see qualities such as: their vision, that they are motivating, they are organized, emotionally stable, etc; but we ignore one that is of equal importance, but does not receive the same attention.
Do we transmit trust in work teams?
It is a question that we rarely ask ourselves, but starting to think about it can change the course towards a much better north.
How to transmit confidence in work teams?
Watching a recording of an army captain risking his life to save his comrades in the middle of a war, Simon Sinek, author of the book leaders eat last; he thought it would be great to work with people like that and wanted to know how they did it.
After researching, he came to a conclusion. What makes people transmit confidence in work teams is the environment.
How should the environment be?
An environment full of cooperation and trust, where everyone is willing to sacrifice for a reason.
All members of the work team must be sure that the others would make any sacrifice for them. And only a good leader can create that environment.
real examples.
Bob Chapman.
An example is Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry-Wehmiller. Seeing his company fall prey to the US crisis in 2008, he proposed that all staff, including him, receive their vacation but on an unpaid basis.
The vacations would be 4 weeks, they would take them whenever they wanted, and not necessarily continuously.
This simple measure, accepted by all the staff, made it possible to recover enough capital to reactivate the business. And he also gave his employees the assurance that the CEO of the company preferred to make everyone look a little hurt; and not that a few were seriously affected.
Simon Sinek points out that great leaders don’t sacrifice people to save numbers. A great leader first sacrifices numbers to save people.
Variables such as the ups and downs in the economy, competition, and new technologies that can make business models disappear at any time; These are some of the many dangers that can put our business at risk. And the worst thing is that they are variables that we cannot control.
So it is in our hands to create an environment that strengthens our business, how? Creating a safe environment.
Charlie Kim.
The CEO of Next jump, Charlie Kim, is an entrepreneur like few others, who knew how to cope with crises and never gave up.
This was thanks to the advice of his tutor:
“When you do what you can to keep the doors of your business open, your competition laughs. Then you take on their clients and it’s easier to survive, and over time, to prosper.
Based on that and their creative lifetime hiring policies, where employees are not fired for not meeting targets; on the contrary, they support and prepare more so that they can achieve their goals; Kim projects all the security his employees need to create an environment of cooperation and trust.
In addition, Kim makes a very important analogy and wonders if having problems in a family, one thinks of firing the children. Of course not. A family supports and provides what is necessary so that the children are better prepared. And that’s how employees should be treated.
Inspiring confidence in work teams is within the reach of all people who want to be leaders. They simply have to create safe environments for the equipment.
The 2 examples above demonstrate ways to create ideal environments for team members to feel safe.
According to TrulyHumanLeadership, currently 7 out of 8 employees believe that the company they work for does not care about them. So we must guide them and give them all the assurance that we will do what we can so that they are well 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.