It will seem a bit strange that we are telling you that money is for spending and not for saving, but we did not write this title just so you could enter the article.
Money is simply a means, a tool. Never think of money as an ultimate goal or you will be in for big disappointments. Its functionality is to help us get what we want and from that point of view we must spend it.
Saving is clearly a determining habit when thinking about your financial future, however, it is not an ultimate goal.
Saving for the sake of saving is not smart. If you save, it is because you have a clear objective about what you will do with that money, that is, to spend it.
We have mentioned in other articles the importance of starting to deposit your money in different categories, such as an emergency category. In this case we will make an exception. As its name says, this money is only used in an emergency, not before.
What good is having money in a savings account? Or what is worse, under the mattress.
Carl Richards, author of The One Page Financial Plan, explains that the return on investment of experiences can be difficult to quantify. It’s easy to calculate the benefits you’ll get on physical products, like your phone or a computer. But how do you determine the return on investment of an experience?
Memory and fun are abstract and relative concepts of each individual. Therefore they cannot be measured. Richards argues that money is to be spent on experiences and that this is better to save for saving’s sake.
Many times we don’t invest in new experiences because we feel guilty spending the money, but if you don’t have a goal, use that money to experience new things, to have a good time with the people you love. After all, like money, life is to be lived, not saved.
Don’t get to be old sorry for everything you didn’t do.
Of course, this does not apply to all situations. You don’t want to use this as a justification for spending money you don’t have. If you’re living each month waiting for the next payment or struggling to get out of debt, that’s a different story.
What we want you to understand is this. Yes, saving money is important, especially for clear goals. But the goal of money management is not to completely deprive yourself and just save for saving’s sake.
Now, the sacrifices are important, if you know that by abstaining, you will get something better, do it. The important thing is to have an objective, something to fight for, a motivation, a purpose.
Create goals, achieve and save the money to materialize them. Find a way to invest and use your money for that.
Investing in yourself, in your education and in your future, pays the best dividends. Click To Tweet
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.