In this article you will learn about the happiness equation in 3 key points.
What would be the most valuable lesson that you would teach your child if you had to leave?…Beyond the nostalgia of just thinking about it, we must be aware of a few things:
- What are we going to leave you beyond material things.
- How can we leave our footprints on their feet so that they follow better steps.
- What knowledge can we leave them (that they don’t teach in school and that makes us better)
Also read: 13 habits of poverty that you are teaching your children without realizing it.
There will be many approaches to your answers. Personally, I would like my children to live happily. Happiness leads to a long and prosperous life and I have always thought that the world is “wrong” because the “tick-tock” of clocks keeps us running and becomes a shackle that does not let us enjoy life at the ideal pace.
Neil Pasrichabestselling author The book of the awesome and director of leadership at Walmart, left his son a letter called the happiness equation.
“I put all of myself to write something to leave him when I was gone. A place to go when no one guides you; a map to find answers when everything was blocked ”, says Neil on his blog.
The “letter” became a book that has more than 10 years of research on how to hack human happiness and the excellent reviews it has received from successful entrepreneurs and businessmen indicate that it has valuable knowledge.
Also read: How to educate my children to think like entrepreneurs and not like employees
The equation of happiness.
1. Let’s define our “Ikigai”.
Some places on the planet are recognized for having the oldest people. Dan Buettner, has identified them as Blue Zones or Blue Zones. one of the zblue waves is Okinawa, Japan; the place where there are more people over 100 years of age in the world. Buettner studied them and attributes their longevity to many factors, including the fact that they have a ikigai.
Also read: Why does money buy happiness.
The word ikigai means “purpose in life”. Okinawas have a reason to get up every morning, which makes them more spiritual, more positive, happier and therefore longer-lived. Find yours!
Find a reason to get up every morning.
2. Let’s decide ours.
We form and maintain many relationships throughout our lives, but we will only achieve happiness by having a good relationship with ourselves.
One way to do it is by living with our decisions, but how can we be satisfied with bad decisions, if we don’t make them ourselves?
Ironically Neil’s advice is NOT to follow advice. It is clear that in many moments of life it is good to listen to advice; but in key stages of our development, where we have wisdom and understand the whole context, we must listen to our hunches and not run away from ourselves.
Do not escape the responsibility of making your own decisions.
3. Let’s think backwards.
Do you wait for the muse of inspiration or do you go looking for it? We tend to think that in order to do something, we must first be aware that we can and then feel that we want to do it:
I CAN—>I WANT—>I DO. Which implies that if we are not in the mood, we do not do things.
Neil’s advice is to think the opposite:
I DO—>I REALIZE THAT I CAN—>I REALIZE THAT I WANT TO DO IT. In this way we will be more productive, we will see more progress and therefore we will be happier. Never forget that feelings follow behaviors.
Act first, taste will come later.
If you want to know more about how to be happy, we have prepared an article with 12 tips backed by science that will help you find happiness. You just have to click here.
The path to happiness is different for everyone. However, there are identifiable patterns that serve most of us and become an equation of happiness.
To recap:
- Find a reason to get up every morning.
- Do not escape the responsibility of making your own decisions.
- Act first, taste will come later.
We hope you can put them into practice. 🙂
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.