For those who have been reading the content that we write in ModoEmprendedor for some time, they will realize that this article has been shared on several occasions. However, we are convinced that this story (by Linds Redding) has valuable lessons and for this reason we want to share it again; in such a way that it reaches many more of our readers.
“A hoax”, this is the definition of a life of sacrifice working. In the words of Linds Redding.
Below you will find the story of this publicist. After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, he revealed his shocking perspective on what a lifetime dedicated to work means.
ModoEmprendedor is characterized by sharing positive information that inspires all those who wish to be independent and carry out their business ideas.
Although this story is based on a sad fact; We consider that it has a very positive and motivational conclusion for everyone.
After being diagnosed with terminal esophageal cancer, Linds Redding decided to start a blog to tell his story.
His conclusion is that a life dedicated to work, which consumed all of his time, simply “IT’S NOT WORTH IT” or not worth it.
A life dedicated only to your work is not worth it. Click To Tweet
Also read: Do you follow your passion or money?
Linds Redding studied in London and developed her work in important advertising companies. Like Saatchi and Saatchi and BBDO, for which he was the art director.
After the doctor informed him of an incurable cancer, he concluded that he did not like the life he had.
He describes how he was with his colleagues, who just wanted to show off because they were developing very important projects that required them to get little sleep and eat only take-out food.
He claims that he could not see his wife for months; because his work required him to stay in the office and work continuously to be able to meet the delivery dates established with the clients.
“How many long nights, weekends, vacations, birthdays and anniversary dinners were voluntarily sacrificed thinking that it would all be worth it in the long run”
But then, was it worth it? “Of course not,” says this top advertising director. “It was just one more job that needed to be done.”
Redding describes this kind of life as an “elaborate delusion.” Which is totally against what reality should be. In his words “now I can see that all this was not really important.”
How much of our time do we waste on jobs we don’t like and prevent us from following our dreams? Also, how much of our lives do we give to these jobs that only meet expectations of money, but deal with unfair bosses and long work hours? How much do we sacrifice for that job that meets few of our expectations but does meet the expectations of others about our image and what it means to be successful?
How much of your time do you waste on a job you don’t like? Click To Tweet
Also read: We all have the power to choose. Do you want an easy or difficult life?
How much time do we spend then thinking and doing what we really want and make us happy? Having a dream as entrepreneurs is not only about having another type of job. It’s not about being independent. It is about being free with our time. Time to cultivate relationships with friends and family. An opportunity to help other people.
Linds Redding’s conclusion.
Undertaking not only becomes a financial and personal purpose to be successful. But on a definitive path to lead the lifestyle we want.
Creating a business requires sacrifices, but keep in mind what your priorities are. Your happiness and sharing with the people around you is worth it.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.