In this article you will know how get to know your customers with online surveys and why you should.
The surveys have been positioned for years as one of the most efficient ways to know the opinion of our public. In addition, in the corporate field, through this type of questionnaire, we managed to maximize our knowledge about customers; both current and potential.
Especially with the rise of online commerce, in which there is less and less physical interaction with our buyers; since it is vital to find a way to approach them.
Not only to obtain information, but to see that there really is a human team behind that pursues a single objective. Which is to maximize your attention and the quality of your business; in order to meet your expectations.
When to meet your customers with online surveys?
Currently, especially with the rise of social networks, surveys have positioned themselves as one of the most efficient ways. And there are more and more sectors, regardless of their field, that they cling to them as one of the solutions to improve their business model.
For example, many use tools like https://www.typeform.com/ as they can find a lot of options for submitting.
However, despite the fact that in recent years they have positioned themselves as one of the most effective means of treating the public; the truth is find the exact moment to send a pollIt’s really hard.
There are currents that say that the best thing is when the purchase is completed; which is when the client has experienced the entire process.
There are others who claim that it is not necessary to complete the purchase in order to send the survey. So there is no completely true opinion.
The only true thing is that Choosing the right moment is key to obtaining a return on it. On the contrary, our efforts might be for nothing.
why should you get to know your customers with online surveys?
1. To know the degree of satisfaction of our customers.
As we have already mentioned, surveys are one of the most efficient ways to know the degree of satisfaction of our customers.
It is one of the greatest opportunities we have to get as much information as possible of all the profiles that consult and buy in our business.
2. To get information about what our business is missing.
When we talk about surveys, We are not referring only to positive questions. We can also ask a battery of questions; Questions focused on understanding what our business needs to improve.
3. To draw up business plans.
Through the information transmitted to us by our public, we can make business plans and strategies. Since through the surveys we will achieve Turn negative feedback into opportunities for growth.
It is important that we understand that surveys are not only used to transmit positive opinions. The surveys that are really useful are the ones that tell us which ones are the processes and guidelines we should improve in any function in which you are in contact with our client.
In this way, we will be able to move faster and with firm steps towards a common goal, in which both the client and the company itself benefit.
3 aspects why you should trust when meeting your customers with online surveys.
1. The importance of personal treatment.
They are more and more users who are tired of constantly having to deal with machineswith robots and computerized customer service.
Through the surveys, we will be demonstrating to clients that behind our website there is a human team that takes care of themprotects you and does everything possible to maximize your well-being.
In a context like the current one, where 2.0 is getting all the attentionbetting on a personal treatment and transmitting it to our users is the best way we are going to find to maximize our business.
Don’t be tempted to save costs and resources through completely general surveys. It is important that we personalize each of them and have different types for each of the profiles.
2. Convert visitors into customers.
Through personalized attention, in which we manage to send a survey to each of the people who consult our website; we will be able to maximize an affective treatment in which the client is completely satisfied with the care received.
In this way, both now and in the future, We will ensure that when our client needs a product or service, they come to our company.
3. Create testimonials.
Through the information received through these consultations, you can create testimonials about the opinions of your customers about your company. And you can broadcast them on your website.
This will be the most efficient way for the rest of possible clients to trust our services.
Knowing your customers with online surveys is not only useful; it is something you must do.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.