In this article you will know the 2 ways to earn a lot of money and examples of people who used them and are millionaires today.
Let’s face it, we’d all like to make lots of money so we never have to worry again. Being a millionaire is the dream of many and the sad thing is that it remains that way for the majority; like a dream.
This is because few believe it is feasible and therefore most never attempt it. A job with a good salary allows us to feel comfortable, filling us with reasons not to try anything bigger.
“You don’t have to be great to start with, but you have to start to be great” Zig Zagler Click To Tweet
However, for those who are curious to know how to become millionaires, we can tell you that it is a real possibility and although it is not easy nor will it happen overnight; any average person can do it.
Also read: 5 false myths that prevent you from having money.
Good money management is required, adopting good habits, and most importantly: believing that it is possible.
Tom Corley, author of the book Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals: Find Out How the Rich Get So Rich (the Secrets to Financial Success Revealed) affirms that having a lot of money is exclusively a matter of habits (Behaviors, thoughts and emotions ) and these are the ones that dictate whether you will be poor or rich:
Over 5 years Corley interviewed 233 millionaire individuals and 128 poor individuals; all with the intention of understanding what makes the rich manage to accumulate wealth and the poor do not.
Corley wanted to answer the following two questions:
- Why are some people rich and others poor?
- What do the rich and the poor do from the time they get up in the morning and go to bed at night?
Through this analysis, Corley found that absolutely all millionaires fall into the following two categories.
In these two ways you can earn a lot of money.
- saving in extreme (They save to invest).
- selling something (Entrepreneurs).
The median fortune of those millionaires in the first group (those who know how to save) was $3.2 million. Which they accumulated for 36 years.
On the other hand, the average wealth of millionaires in the second group was $5.7 million dollars. Sum accumulated in less than 22 years.
Also read: How to save more and have more and more money?
Savings and investment are fundamental tools that will help you increase your capital. Nevertheless, If you want to make a lot of money faster, you have to sell something.
Be careful that what you sell is not your time; as most people in companies do.
Selling something that people need, want or want guarantees you money coming into your account constantly.
Corley names it well on his blog:
- Elon Musk sells electric cars.
- JK Rowling sells her Harry Potter books.
- Mark Zuckerberg sells his advertising and marketing services through Facebook.
Don’t be just a consumer and find a product that people need, want and desire Click To Tweet
These are great examples and you might be a bit intimidated by the size of their fortunes. However, you should not view these results as something impossible to achieve.
Also read: 4 useful ways to generate extra money apart from your work.
Next we will see some examples of people who became millionaires through sales, but first, we would like to ask you a favor.
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Real cases of how to earn a lot of money.
Currently millions of people take advantage of the opportunities offered by the internet to sell their products. Creating secondary sources of income and some of them turn these businesses into their main jobs.
mark morgan ford
Mark is the creator of the Early to Rise, Health, Wealth and a Live Well Lived portal, he affirms that there is a simple formula to become a millionaire:
- Find a popular product that sells for $100.
- Find someone in China who can produce it and sell it for $10.
- Then sell it for half price.
This is the formula used by large retail companies such as Walmart, Best buy and even Amazon itself. They are all businesses that move billions of dollars.
Also read: The 3 biggest secrets of the incredible success of Jeff Bezos.
Just as these giants were able to generate a lot of money, you can do the same on a smaller scale.
You don’t necessarily have to import products from China; the important thing is that you find reliable suppliers and good contacts that help you leverage yourself.
Allen Walton.
A 27 year old, in Dallas Texas, found a job at a security camera store. Soon after, he got tired and thought that it would be a great idea to sell these types of products through an online store.
He took $1,000 from his savings, read a couple of books on online marketing, and in 2014 launched his own online store:
In 2015, Allen Walton was featured in Forbes magazine as one of the entrepreneurs breaking the million dollar barrier in sole proprietorships. Do you think this is impossible? Do you think you are incapable of doing something similar and earning a lot of money?
Melvin Chee.
The young Australian, 27-year-old Melvin Chee, chose an unoriginal niche such as t-shirts.
His idea was to add value to each garment through creative messages; what would appeal to a specific audience. Just what you should look for when doing research on your product.
Through an online store and the help of social networks like Instagram, Chee served more than 4,000 customers. And in less than 3 months she surpassed $100,000 dollars.
Do you think this is impossible? Do you think you are incapable of doing something similar and earning a lot of money?
Why we should sell something to earn a lot of money.
We already saw that statistically we can make money faster through sales. However, below you will see something very important:
Frank Kern, a recognized expert in the world of the internet, gives a description of the economy in an interview in 2013 where he explains why we should sell.
In Kern’s words, the economy is made up of two subjects:
- A person A (Consumer – Buyer).
- Another person B (Seller – Entrepreneur).
Person A gives money to person B, to obtain a product or service that has a value equal to or greater than the money given.
Here is the key to earn a lot of money.
During your life you will be person A and person B many times, but you will find success as long as you manage to be person B most of the time.
Regardless of what you do, to earn a lot of money you must sell to grow your capital, save it and invest it.
As we saw, through sales you can earn more and faster. It is clear that it is not easy. But it is also clear that it is possible if you use the necessary sales techniques and the correct business model.
I hope this information motivates you to fight for your financial independence 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.