In this article you will know the importance of communication from the point of view of 3 recognized millionaires. In addition, you will know the ideal number of words to give a good message.
In my coaching work with executives and entrepreneurs, the problems of communication They are common and very annoying.
too much; not enough; incorrect messages that are sent through non-verbal communication; communication that affects the morale of the work; employee engagement and so on.
But one thing is certain: everyone agrees that the importance of the types of communication, be it interpersonal or organizational; It is necessary for business success.
In fact, the world’s most successful billionaire entrepreneurs have already declared the importance of communication. Here’s a review:
Importance of communication.
According to Bill Gates.
Nearly a decade ago, in a BBC News article headlined: “Bill Gates: The Skills You Need to Succeed,” the billionaire Microsoft co-founder said:
“Communication skills and the ability to work well with different types of people are very important…software innovation, like almost any other type of innovation; it requires the ability to collaborate and share ideas with other people, and to sit down and talk with customers and get their feedback and understand their needs.”
According to Richard Branson.
In a post on his own Virgin blog, listing his top 10 communication quotes, Richard Branson writes:
“Communication makes the world work, facilitates human connections and allows us to learn, grow and progress. It’s not just about speaking or reading, but understanding what is being said, and in some cases what is not being said. Communication is the most important skill any leader can possess.“.
According to Warren Buffett.
We all know that Warren Buffett is an “incredible phrase machine” for his amazing wisdom. Buffett recently told a Stanford MBA graduate student this little gem about the importance of communication:
“At your age, the best way to improve is to learn to communicate better. Your results in life will be magnified if you can communicate them better. The only diploma I hang in my office is the communications diploma I received from Dale Carnegie in 1952.”
Buffett continues:
“Without good communication skills, you won’t be able to convince people to follow you even if you see the mountain and they don’t.”
World-renowned leadership guru, speaker and author, Brian TracyHe says:
“Your ability to communicate with others will represent 85% of the success in your business and in your life.”
Tracy built her legacy primarily by helping business leaders and owners prosper by mastering persuasion skills and building relationships.
Importance of communication according to research.
Forbes shared research from the Carnegie Institute of Technology showing that a staggering 15% of financial success actually comes from technical knowledge or skills.
The other 85% comes from the ability to communicate, negotiate and lead effectively; both when speaking and listening.
Furthermore, Forbes reports, “Nobel Prize-winning Israeli/American psychologist Daniel Kahneman found that people would rather do business with a person they like and trust; even if he offers a lower quality product or service at a higher price.”
Tip to improve your communication.
Something that you should keep in mind is to take care of the amount of words.
In her latest book, Image Scrimmage, Donna Van Natten, the body language doctor; she references research on the “optimum number” of words to use when speaking.
As a result, a typical listener processes 170 to 190 words per minute. That means that if we use less than 170 words per minute, we are less dynamic and our listener will lose interest.
It is equally important not to use more than 190 words per minute, especially if the subject is about complex work, such as budgets and algorithms.
In that case, she suggests “slowing down.” Otherwise, your listener is going to get that look we make when we don’t understand things but keep listening.
If you’re using more than 210 words per minute, Van Natten says, “just hope your customer runs away from the conversation and runs.”
For most learners and people processing new information, good communicators slow down so the listener doesn’t lose them. For everyday conversations and written content, where no new information is introduced, good communicators speed things up.
You see, communication is a vital component of success in life and business.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.