In the following article we want to show you the importance of a budget and why not doing it may be making you lose a lot of money.
A budget is a basic tool for managing your money, and although most people know it, very few apply it. The word budget is so boring that we avoid it.
Perhaps this is the main reason why we prefer to continue spending our money without knowing for sure where it is going. We are lazy to get into the task of making a budget and since we can continue living without it, we simply put it aside.
Likewise, we think we know what we spend on, but at the end of the month, we look at the balance sheet and ask ourselves, where did my money go? What did I spend it on?
In order to clarify the importance of a budget, we believe it is necessary for you to see some reasons that explain why you have not started and why most people do not have a budget.
Reasons why people don’t budget.
- As we explained it before, they are lazy.
- They don’t know how to do it and they don’t know where to start. The fact of having to learn makes them lazy.
- They think managing money on a budget is for nerds. They consider themselves free souls and prefer to live without worrying about money. The reality is that they live permanently worried.
- They are afraid to find that they are mismanaging their money.
- How they have money left at the end of the month does not matter to them to know their finances in depth.
- They say they don’t have time for that and prefer to spend it working.
Some of these reasons are probably familiar to you. So do you think you can overcome these obstacles? At ModoEmprendedor we know that it is possible if you have the right motivation.
Making a budget is easier than you think. Additionally, investing time in doing it will help you save money and that boredom you feel now could turn into satisfaction in the future.
5 reasons that will show you the importance of a budget.
Underestimating this tool is a big mistake on your part. It is very likely that you are looking for peace of mind and economic stability for you and your family. If so, make a budget, analyze your expenses and plan for the future. If you still think you don’t need it, we want you to know some reasons that will explain the importance of a budget.
1. It helps you save more.
You are probably a good saver. But people who have a budget save even more than those who don’t. A budget forces you to distribute your money into categories, knowing exactly where each penny goes. This gives you the advantage of discovering capital leaks that you did not know about and can divert towards your savings. This could also help those people who always end up taking money out of their savings at the end of the month.
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2. Helps you prepare for emergencies.
Life is full of unexpected events and we must be prepared to face them. The best way to prepare is to have extra money. Do you have an emergency fund?
Making a budget implies creating an emergency fund to face eventualities. It consists of at least three to six months of living expenses. This extra money will ensure that you can get through a crisis or at least give you time to think of something to get you out of it. If you want to know a little more about the emergency fund click here.
3. Improve your spending habits.
If you do not have a budget, it is very likely that you have not even realized what your spending habits are. As they are habits, they become automatic and our brain does not even take the trouble to decide whether to spend or not.
On the contrary, if you create a budget you will be able to realize those unnecessary expenses that we make every month. That money that you could keep in your pocket to save or invest. A budget allows you to rethink your habits and set new financial goals.
4. It will give you peace of mind.
Budgeting allows you to be in control. If you decide that this month you are going to spend a little more on entertainment, you will do it with peace of mind because you know that you can continue saving and meeting your other financial obligations.
There are people who have anxiety problems and even lose sleep over money problems. This happens because money controls them. However, when you budget your money, you take control of your finances.
Remember, a budget is not about limiting your lifestyle. On the contrary, it is about opening up opportunities to improve it, worrying less about the future.
5. Make sure you don’t spend more money than you have.
The number one rule of personal finance is “Spend less than you earn and invest the difference.” However, many people spend even more than they have, thanks to the facilities offered by credit cards.
Currently, people abuse credit cards without realizing that they are increasing their debt, to the point of owing much more than they earn. In the past, these payment facilities did not exist and people lived with what they had.
A budget will let you know exactly how much money you earn, how much you can spend each month, and how much you need to save. Shopping sounds more fun than budgeting, but it will bring you more peace of mind.
A budget does not ensure your financial success, but it will help prevent failures that will give you a very hard time. Since a budget allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it will ensure that you always have enough cash for the things you need. Having a spending plan will also keep you out of debt or help you get out of debt if you currently have it.
Finally, it is the perfect tool to have a savings plan, one that you follow faithfully and allows you to accumulate capital to create an emergency fund and of course invest.
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And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.