One of the pillars of the success of a company, be it a large corporation or a newborn start-up, is the Informatic security and the integrity of the software and hardware that support them.
As an entrepreneur you are everything. The best place from which to expand your idea until it becomes a success; reviewing hundreds of resumes; looking for the most creditworthy professionals or even diamonds in the rough to polish to help you succeed.
This is vital, and it is the most visible part that distinguishes the success of working in a company. But just like with icebergs, the most visible part is not the most important; below there is 90% of the mass of ice, and that represents the real danger.
In a company, this invisible and vital part would be represented by computer security. Since it’s inconspicuous and we only remember that it exists when it fails, but when everything goes well, when it’s working, we shouldn’t even notice that it’s there.
But a humble entrepreneur cannot afford to hire a team that is in charge of computer security; not at least initially. Because it may be that the entire entrepreneurial initiative is made up of himself. He’s the boss, the guy from the cafes and the IT guy… but don’t worry, today the solution is out there, and at very affordable prices.
Computer security through VPN.
A large company may rent or own multiple locations, each with its own local network for secure in-building file and program sharing.
But of course, the normal thing is that information needs to be shared between several of the company’s departments (which are separated). And what is desirable is to be able to maintain the same security as when information is shared on computers that are physically next to each other via the LAN.
This is achieved through a VPN… let’s see what it is:
What is a VPN and what are its benefits.
VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a secure extension of the LAN on the Internet. Connecting to a VPN server creates a secure tunnel between LAN networks that are physically separated. It also allows secure remote access from a home or hotel by employees to the LAN.
But an entrepreneur who works alone does not need to connect to another LAN of his company, since such a network does not exist. Why does the lonely businessman need to hire a VPN?
For the same reason that it is recommended that all Internet users use it: because it keeps traffic safe from third parties, by working as a LAN, but over the Internet.
You may not want the competition to know which suppliers you are contacting; or which clients you are contacting; nor about what they are negotiating. And that is where the VPN will provide you with quite a useful service.
Nor should we neglect computer security against malicious software, which is highly varied and destructive.
Some types of malicious software that threaten computer security.
As its name suggests, it is software that uses vulnerabilities in messaging applications to find out the content shared by its users.
Software that appears legitimate and harmless to install itself on the device, infecting it and remotely offering full access to it.
A type of malware that multiplies itself exponentially, making it difficult for the infected computer to function.
It is a type of generic malware that is mainly based on corrupting files, replacing part of the code in said files with its own; similar to how viruses integrate their genetic code with the code of the infected cell.
This type of malware is in remission and already contains a very small fraction of such malware, as more is sought today to gain information or some other benefit from infected computers.
It inserts abusive and very annoying advertising for the user.
It steals information from the user, preventing the user from accessing it, and asks for money in exchange for releasing it. Very booming lately.
For this type of ills, VPNs are not useful, but the software called antimalware or antiviruswith which the ideal option is to combine both forms of protection.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.