In the following article you will know how to work from home using the 9 commandments that will make you even more productive than if you were in the office.
The world changes every second and it is our responsibility to adapt. Perhaps our grandparents, who were used to paying their bills by going to line up, consider that doing it online is very insecure, but for the new generations it is the correct way to do it.
The world moves and we with it and if we want to take advantage of technological and cultural advances, it is our duty to take advantage of everything that is available.
For this reason we see that more and more companies seek to benefit their employees, the environment and, of course, themselves. How?
A trend called Telecommuting, where employees can work from their homes or places outside the office. This practice has become more and more common after the situation that the world has gone through with the Covid-19. However, we must ask…
Are employees without the boss on top of them more productive? A study conducted at Stanford University confirms this.
Thinking of developing our business ideas more efficiently, it would be great to use telecommuting, right? We could work with people from all over the world and thus expand our panorama of possibilities, we would be aware of trends in other countries, our networking will expand its reach, in short, there are many advantages if you know how to work from home.
The point is that we must do it correctly to get the most out of it. The company PGi, a leader in collaborative technologies, tells us how to work from home by applying the 9 commandments that virtual teams must follow.
How to work from home (The 9 Commandments)
1. You will communicate.
Communication goes beyond work. One of the weaknesses of telecommuting is that people need to have partners and bond, like they do in an office. That is why it is advisable to use tools (such as whatsapp, slack and zoom) that can strengthen relationships and thus improve teamwork.
If you want to know the incredible story of the creator of Wahtsapp, click here!
2. You will not wear pajamas.
It doesn’t matter that you’re working from home, projecting a serious image motivates the other members to be more professional about the project. What would you think of your boss if you saw him yawning, sleepy, and in flip-flops at a meeting? Surely it will not be a good thing and just as you think it, others will think it of you. Being seen working in your pajamas and disheveled will undermine your objectives!
3. You will trust.
For how many people would you put your hands in the fire?…..It is difficult to trust, especially in people we barely know and who may be thousands of kilometers away, but we must make an effort and deliver responsibilities. Delegating is key to learning how to work from home.
Also read: How to delegate so that your employees are truly responsible for their work
4. You will use the indicated tools.
At present there are many alternatives to communicate at a distance: Mail, instant messaging, telephone, etc; but some tools are more suitable than others if we take into account the importance of body language. Let’s remember that our body says more than our words and that the objective is to close the distance gap by connecting more with our team, so an application that uses a camera will be much better. TeamViewer, Mikogo, Skype, Hipchat, Webex, Zoom, in short, they all provide similar services, it’s up to us to decide which one we think is best.
5. You will not disappear.
Who likes to be left talking to themselves? TO NOBODY. That is why maintaining communication is key for everything to progress as it should. It is easy to get distracted being at home, be it your pet or the television, there are many temptations that can lead us to procrastinate, but we must keep in mind to be respectful of the time of others by attending meetings at the indicated time and being there when we know they need us.
6. You will define goals.
No matter what the work method is, goals must be defined and met, so we can know which team members are doing their job and additionally have a detailed measurement of the project’s progress. One recommendation is to set monthly goals and not quarterly, in order to achieve “small victories” and increase our motivation and that of the team.
You can also know how to achieve your goals in 100 days with this method.
7. You will establish schedules.
Studies show that people who work via telecommuting do so for longer, which isn’t bad, as long as they don’t get sucked into checking chat or email at 12am. Establishing schedules will help us optimize our most productive hours and take care of our personal life, family, friends and hobbies.
Team members may be in other time zones, so defining your work time will help you stay connected.
8. You will collaborate.
Working remotely is not the same as being distant. If we opt for telecommuting as a way of working, it is because we consider it the best method for collaborating with others, which is why we must always be ready to help. Tools like google drive allow us to edit documents together and share files with extreme ease.
9. You will meet your team.
If possible, visit the members of your team from time to time, so trust will increase and therefore the working relationship will improve.
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And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.