In this article you will learn how to understand failure and achieve perseverance.
Failure is a necessary part of the road to success. Despite the fact that logic tells us that it is better to succeed, to achieve perseverance we must fail; but not before understanding that failure gives us experience.
For Don Dodge, investor in Google Ventures and developer advocate at Google (the developer advocates are a link between the needs of the users and the team of programmers; and its function is to provide the best possible service in the most efficient way), failure means making the same mistake twice and not learning from it.
On the other hand, experience implies achieve learning through error. Thus, all the steps we take, even the wrong ones, will be steps that lead us to perseverance.
Tomás Alba Edison said that he did not fail, he simply found many ways in which things did not work; in this way he was not discouraged and understood that everything was progress.
Also read: 3 examples that will help you completely master the fear of failure
Examples of failure, perseverance and success.
Seeing failure as an experience is a reflection of persistence. The company behind Angry birds, Rovio, released 51 games before giving birth to the popular bird game.
The laboratory guilty of producing WD-40 (a product marketed in the USA to protect products against moisture) went through 39 different formulas before finding the right one (hence the name).
Harmonix, the company behind the hit video game Guitar Hero, rose to glory after 9 failed attempts.
Even a company as big as Google faces failure very often. As were the cases of Google Catalog search; iGoogle; Google Lively; Google Answers; Jaiku; Google Video; buzz; wave; “Google+”; among others. But thanks to the fact that they know how to understand failure, they gain experience, monetize more projects and have achieved success.
How to understand failure to be successful.
Dodge tells us some tips from his philosophy:
- It is better to achieve 60% of the impossible than 100% of the ordinary.
- If you reach 85% of your goals, you are not thinking big.
- When you achieve 100% of the goals, you are cheating.
- If you don’t fail, you’re not trying hard enough.
- -Think big, start small, fail fast and you will succeed fast.
In short, “excellence” becomes a mirage and that is where “failure” becomes a springboard to success.
Under these parameters, employees are qualified every 90 days to give or not an annual bonus. So employees who meet all of their goals don’t get the bonus. Curious, right?
Also read: How to overcome the obstacles that separate success from failure.
Also, according to Dodge, there is something to keep in mind and it is quite important for all entrepreneurs: Success is deceptive. Mainly because it masks the errors; Faced with the happiness of reaching the goal, no one stops to see what could have happened better and, furthermore, it makes let’s ignore the luck factor.
For this reason, when they meet an objective in Google they do not declare it as a success immediately, they wait for the process to be repeated and if it is achieved again, then it was indeed a success.
The objective of this article is for you to internalize the idea that failure is only failure if you don’t learn from your mistakes. Only you decide if you advance or not. Only you decide if you learn or not… And only you decide if you succeed or not.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.