If you take a quick look at the most successful entrepreneurs and millionaires, you will see that there is not much in common between them. However, we can learn how to think like millionaires.
Think, for example, of Amancio Ortega (Zara), Larry Page (Google) and Oprah Winfrey (Harpo). Each traversed completely different paths.
However, there is a big “but”. While their path and behaviors are characteristic of each one; their thoughts are similar.
A study conducted by Saras D Sarasvathy, at the University of Virginia School of Business, shows that entrepreneurs who have successfully created two or more companies typically follow the same patterns; that while it worked for them, it can work for you.
How to think like millionaires.
1. They really want to do what they are doing.
If you do not have enough desire, you will never give your best effort, you will give up at the first obstacle and seeing that you did not get results, you will never try something new again.
2. They start by taking one small step toward their goal.
Starting something new is risky. You don’t want to take big steps too fast. Everything you have probably read about entrepreneurs makes you think that they love risk, however, nothing is further from the truth.
They take small steps, but they do it constantly. You can’t imagine how far you can go by taking small steps. The important thing is to start giving them, maybe at some point you will do it in the wrong direction, but you can always correct the path.
This does not mean that you should not take risks, it means that you should know how to do it.
3. After taking small steps, they re-evaluate based on what they have learned.
Perhaps they confirmed that their initial goal was definitely a good one. Perhaps the market taught them that they should go in another direction. Perhaps they concluded that they did not have enough desire. At this point, after taking those baby steps, it’s time to stop and consider what has happened.
4. After understanding what happened, they continue to take small steps.
This becomes a cycle. In a few words, the formula for success is to find what you really want to do, and when you know it, act, learn, build and repeat.
Also read: If you don’t fail you won’t succeed.
What does this mean?
You will have noticed that ideas are transformed over time, based on the teachings of the market when you take your first steps. Initially Howard Shultz used Italian opera as background music for Starbucks. Michael Dell started his company solely by reassembling IBM personal computers. The best entrepreneurs don’t wait for their product to be perfect; they get close enough and they throw it. Along the way they make the necessary changes.
The important thing is to start and apply the cycle: act, learn, build and repeat.
Eliminate what doesn’t work and repeat over and over again what does.
We hope that once you understand how to think like millionaires, you will put it into practice and your projects will be enhanced.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.