We tend to correct what we can see. If we have dirty hands, we wash them; if the desk is disorganized, we organize it, and if we feel fat, we start going to the gym. But when we don’t have creativity, what do we do?…you must learn how to take care of the brain.
We can find a lot of information on how to get inspired; or how to find the right spaces to unleash our creativity. But the problem is born in our brain. If this organ is not well, it doesn’t matter what we do; nothing will help
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How to take care of the brain to increase our creativity.
For Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist and specialist in brain disorders, innovation is a brain function. And as long as our brain is fine, we will be fine.
Amen is the director of the Amen Clinics and has been performing brain scans for over 20 years. He uses a technique called SPECT, which allows him to see blood flow and activity patterns in the brain.
Having performed over 63,000 scans has taught him a lot about how to take care of the brain.
Amen assures that the brain is the most complex organ and gives some justifications:
Why the brain is the most complex organ.
- It weighs 2% of our body, but it consumes 20% to 30% of the calories we consume.
- It has more than 100 trillion neurons.
- It has more connections than stars in the universe.
- It loses an average of 85,000 neurons a day.
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In the same way that a smoker’s skin ages faster; Depending on the care we give to our brain, it can accelerate its aging. But don’t worry, the good news is that it also has the ability to slow it down.
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Let’s continue…
What should we avoid to delay brain aging.
- For obvious reasons the drugs and alcoholwhich directly attack the brain.
- Obesity: Amen maintains that weight gain is inversely proportional to the decrease in brain size and functionality.
- High pressure: Reduced blood flow to the entire body including the brain.
- ANTs: This is very interesting. ANTS refers to the acronym in English Automatic Negative Thoughts (Automatic negative thoughts). The seriousness of those thoughts that ruin our days and cannot be removed from our head are the seeds for anxiety and depression disorders.
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What we should do to know how to take care of the brain.
- Positive Social Connections: If we surround ourselves with people with good habits; We will adapt them. In theory, if we surround ourselves with the right people, we will live longer.
- Learn new things: As we develop new skills; our brain is in need of making new connections. Otherwise the brain starts shutting itself down.
- Healthy diet: We eat what kills us or we eat what helps us.
- Good sleep: Getting too little sleep causes blood pressure in the brain to drop and likewise makes it easier for our cravings to get out of control and make us more likely to gain weight.
- Gratitude: Amen assures that the best antidepressant is gratitude. He recommends writing down 3 things for which we are grateful every night and we can see a significant change in our level of happiness.
- Kill the ANTs: It seems obvious but we don’t always do it. Faced with every negative thought that crosses our minds; let’s take the time to think if it’s true. An example with which more than one person can feel identified is the following: Is my partner being unfaithful to me? Let’s not let that question become a reality. Before the imagination does its thing, let’s ask ourselves if it is true or not. Our brain tends to think the worst and many times the reality is different.
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And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.