In this article you will learn how to take action and what is the monk mode, so that you can make your dream of creating a company come true.
A consecutive series of steps must be followed to do this correctly. The first step is to think about the business ideas and the other steps will be part of the execution.
Most people are used to thinking about business ideas and not executing them. It seems as if there was a barrier that would not let us advance to the next stage.
Due to conformism or fear, it is always easier not to dare to walk outside the comfort zone; and that is why few dare to create a company. That’s when those who meet their goals are separated from those who don’t.
If you want to be part of the first group, the entrepreneur and writer todd henry It gives us all the chance to dare to go further.
How to take action to make your company a reality.
We must develop that inner voice that will allow us to dare to take action and go from saying to doing. That is, from idea to action.
The main thing is to define the following:
- About us.
- Where are we going.
- How are we going to get there?
In other words you must:
When defining these points, we must understand that on the way to achieve our goals, not everything will be an ascent. For different reasons we are immersed in ups and downs and the probability of staying stagnant is high.
We should not see this as a bad thing, since it does not directly imply that we are failing; simply that we are doing something wrong and that we must reconfigure our “modus operandi”. And thus, find other results that allow us to ascend again.
When we are in the race again, we need to be aware of the discipline and sacrifice involved in wanting to go far.
So Todd, referring to an expression used by Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism, invites us to get into “MONK-MODE”.
What is monk mode?
It is a state of mind where we can push away all the distractions that can disperse our concentration.
An example of the use of the monk mode is the story of the person who gave life to that expression.
Example of monk mode.
Greg McKeown already had a publisher’s endorsement to publish his book. The problem is, Greg didn’t have the book ready.
In view of the lack of progress, he was forced to withdraw from the outside world; reaching a bit extreme measures, such as getting an auto-responder service for your email. (If you don’t know what an autoresponder is, click here)
In case they wrote to him, they received an email saying:
“Dear friends, I am currently working on a new book that has placed enormous burdens on my time. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to respond in the way I would like. For that, I apologize.”
In addition, for 9 months he assigned 5 days a week; in which he focused solely and exclusively on writing from 5AM to 1PM. The result of everything was a book finished and ready to be published.
The moral of this is that at the moment in which we have assimilated that carrying out the work is possible, the most difficult but most satisfying part comes; we must work hard and for as long as necessary.
ACTION+PATIENCE a powerful combination that will surely bring results.
If you have not dared to take action and fight for what you want, you must develop that inner voice that will give you strength at all stages of the journey. It will also fill you with reasons to make things come true.
Never forget that an idea that is not executed is equal to an idea never thought of.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.