In this article you will learn 14 benefits of exercising according to science and 15 strategies to learn how to stay motivated to exercise.
Exercising is one of the most common resolutions when starting a new year.
In fact, the gyms fill up the first months of the year; but with the passage of time, the influx decreases. For what is this?
It is very simple. It is due to the killer of all the goals we set for ourselves: The lack of motivation.
If you want to get real results, you must attack her before she attacks you. And to achieve this, it is essential that you know in detail why you want to do things.
In this case, you must know very well why you want to exercise. So before you see how to stay motivated to exerciseLet’s start by looking at the benefits of exercising.
14 benefits of exercising according to science.
With this clear, we know that exercising is actually beneficial. However, it is something that most already know. That’s why it’s important to know how to stay motivated to exercise.
How to stay motivated to exercise.
You build more self-motivation to the extent that you know more about what it is about. So in theory, you should simply exercise for several weeks.
But knowing this is not enough. That is why many start and do not continue. So below you will find 15 strategies for you to learn how to stay motivated to exercise.
1. Think about how you feel after exercising.
Ironically, beyond the tiredness and the occasional weakened muscle, you feel stronger. You leave with your chest held high and with the feeling of “duty accomplished”.
2. Set goals and reward yourself for achieving them.
First you must know how to set goals in order to achieve them. With this clear, you can challenge yourself to achieve certain results, in a certain time.
This has 2 objectives:
- Keep going to the gym with a clear goal.
- Reward yourself if you get it.
For example. If apart from exercise, you were also taking care of your diet (which is ideal to achieve much better results), you can reward yourself with a “cheat meal”.
3. Get a gym-friend.
When you have someone to go with, staying motivated to exercise is much easier.
There will be days when you are very lazy, and that is when your partner appears to make you go. Or when you’re already at the limit and you have a few reps to go, having a person next to you telling you that you can is incredibly encouraging.
4. Look for success stories.
There are some incredible stories. From people who were well above their ideal weight and lost a lot. Or quite the opposite. Very thin people who managed to gain healthy muscle mass.
Here are some of the many examples you’ll find:
5. Sign up for classes.
Yoga, Pilates, spinning, sparring…you name it. Group classes are very motivating because you feel that you are part of a group and that you cannot give up.
Also, you meet a lot of people and that makes it more fun.
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Let’s continue…
6. Write down your results.
No matter how hard your reality is, take your measurements and write the date. To the extent that you have discipline exercising, and you continue taking your measurements, you will see how in a short time, the numbers will become your best ally.
You must keep in mind that there are no miraculous results, and that there will be weeks in which it seems that you did not advance towards your goal. However, it is normal for this to happen. Simply continue with the mentality of knowing that every result requires effort.
Remember this phrase:
“When nothing seems to be going forward I go and watch the stone breaker hit the rocks with his hammer. Perhaps at blow number 100 the rock doesn’t have a crack, but at blow 101 the rock can split in 2. And I know that it wasn’t the last blow that broke it, it was all the ones that came before it”.
7. Take pictures of the process.
Another way to keep track of your progress is to take photos. I know it can be uncomfortable, but as long as the changes are evident; You won’t want to stop exercising.
8. Share your results.
When you show the world the results you’ve achieved, the compliments won’t stop.
Every Kg you lose will be differentiating you from millions of people who have not been able to pursue what they want. And that is super motivating.
9. Think about the benefits of spending time for yourself.
Sometimes we are so busy that we forget to take time for ourselves. And this simply leads to a life full of stress.
Exercising is a healthy way to spend time for ourselves. To feel healthy, strong. And feeling like this, the time we dedicate to others will be much better.
10. Think about how you are going to improve your image.
In point #4 we talked about looking for success stories. Imagine what you would be like after 1 year of discipline. Think about how you would look and how you would feel. That feeling is an inexhaustible source of motivation to exercise.
11. Search for fitness information.
If you surround yourself with knowledge on the subject, it will cause you more and more interest. In addition, you can try new strategies, both exercise and nutrition. And little by little you will find what best suits you and brings you better results.
12. Hire a trainer.
A trainer can play the role of your gym buddy. And besides, he won’t let you take false steps.
I know they are not cheap, but if you have the resources, do not hesitate to make the investment.
13. Sign up for races.
This is one of the most common strategies for learning how to stay motivated to exercise. Since in general, you have to pay a registration with a good time in advance. And and for a long time, you have in mind that you are going to compete against many other people; And of course, you don’t want to look bad.
Here it is important to understand that your most important competition is yourself. So analyze your results and every time you compete, seek to beat yourself.
14. Think about what you could achieve by living a healthy life.
Personally, I would like to grow old feeling that I can still do many things.
I would not like to have to be stuck to an oxygen bullet knowing that the lack of oxygen is not going to kill me; if not the desire to be able to go running and not be able to.
Think about your family, your friends. Are they a motivation for you to take care of your health from now on?
15. Read motivational phrases.
It seems silly, but there are phrases that can change lives. On the internet you will find millions of motivating phrases that will become a stick for those moments of weakness.
There are many strategies for learning how to stay motivated to exercise. The first thing you should do is understand the benefits of exercising and from there, use the strategies mentioned above.
I hope they are of great help to you and that you achieve the results you are looking for 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.