In this article you will know how to start a business following your passionand the advantages of doing so.
One of the most important decisions we make in our lives is choosing the career we are going to study. Doing that at a very early age we are given the responsibility to decide our future.
On the one hand, we know what we are passionate about and what we are good at, or at least we think we know. And on the other, we know what our parents and relatives expect of us.
However, can you combine the two? And even more important: how to start a business following your passion?
Related: 4 Reasons why it is worth working on what you love.
The value of time when we follow our passions.
Cornell University in the United States conducted a study in which they surveyed more than 2,500 people.
The results showed that the majority of people, once they were given a choice between better salary or “satisfaction”, in terms of how happy they felt when choosing one of the options, they chose better salaries; despite the fact that they believed it would make them less happy.
Why is this happening? Various explanations show that money is a very important factor on the path to happiness.
However, although money allows us to acquire all the things that make us “temporarily” happy; there is no sum that can buy time.
Time is one of the most valuable assets we have, many times we take its value for granted and spend our lives doing things that we are not satisfied with; because we think that the “sacrifice” is worth everything.
In this sense, I am not saying that the sacrifices are not worth it, but keep in mind that life passes you by while you are busy making other plans (as John Lennon once said). In this case, making “sacrifices.”
This is not about regretting the decisions made, but about stopping and thinking about the future decisions that are coming. If you’re already a successful worker moving up the career ladder, that’s great.
If you have already managed to stabilize your work, personal and professional life, among others; stop to think about the next step, do you want to continue spending your time doing the same? Or do you want to learn how to start a business following your passion?
Also read: How to start a business without experience
How to start a business following your passion.
If you have a passion, which you didn’t follow because you thought it wouldn’t give you enough to live on; It is time to rethink this decision.
Pursuing it does not mean that you give up the idea of a financially prosperous life. Keep in mind that what will lead you to a state of financial imbalance, is not planning or having effective strategies that allow you to achieve what you really like.
Do what you are passionate about does not mean that you will immediately succeed. Quitting your job, to dedicate yourself to your own business, to study music, or to practice the sport that you like, among many other things; it won’t get you anywhere if you don’t have a financial plan that will allow you to make this transition.
being optimistic is not enough in this case, following your passion is also about knowing the path you should follow to achieve it.
also requires knowing exactly what you want to achieve by doing it; and what this process requires of you, your family and of course your bank account.
Related: 5 tips to create a company while working from 8 to 5
Keep your feet on the ground.
Be very careful with false expectations in which, you leave your job, with the idea of having a better income; doing something that promises a 6-figure salary in a year.
This never happens in either case. Do not follow advice in which you are promised “heaven and earth” in a short period of time. You will waste all your money and time trying to find that “secret key”.
List the sacrifices.
On the other hand, people who decide to quit their jobs to follow their passions often don’t realize how long it can take. Nor the effort required to begin to see the first fruits. Following this new path requires a lot of commitment and hard work.
Remember, though, that doing what you love doesn’t feel like “hard work.” On the contrary, it comforts you and reaffirms the true meaning of your life.
Don’t forget that you have to give it your all in the long run. This is not easy, but it is not impossible either.
Also read: How to create your own company without leaving your job
If you really want to learn how to start a business following your passion and be successful, you must have to find the following:
- What you are passionate about
- What you want to accomplish when undertaking.
- What is the legacy you want to leave.
- How much energy you should invest.
- What will the sacrifices be and how to make them.
There are many ways you can pursue your passions and talents, you need to find the right way to do it. For this you will have to try and explore many options that integrate your physical and emotional experiences.
Finally keep in mind that “you will live a fuller and happier life if you invest more in experiences than in material possessions.”
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.