Every day there are more and more companies that are born under the premise that we can be our own bosses; and we see innovative ideas breaking ground everywhere. It seems that this wave of startups has no end and that is why as parents we must always go one step ahead and understand how to promote leadership in children.
Leaders are people who understand that they must and can overcome any adversity that comes their way. They also set goals and achieve them.
How to promote leadership in children.
Carol S Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford University and author of the book The New Psychology of Success, demonstrates that the human being, by being aware of his potential, manages to surpass himself. Which is why his work is highly influential for educators and business leaders.
Based on the rating of a school in Chicago, in which students who do not pass a course are graded “not yet”, Dweck highlights the importance of changing the way students are assessed and workers in general.
Currently, only the achievements achieved are those that deserve recognition; leaving aside the merit for the progress obtained. Making only the “now” plausible; and not what could be achieved with more effort.
One of the studies conducted by Dweck was with 10-year-old children. Where they were faced with tests to assess their intelligence.
One group took the challenge as something positive; something that would make them test themselves and improve (developing mindset). While for others it was a tragedy (fixed mindset).
Scientists measured the electrical activity of the brain and found that in children of fixed mindset, there was almost no activity; which allowed us to conclude that they chose to flee from the difficulty.
While the children of developing mindset they showed large amounts of activity; demonstrating that they were committed to solving the problems and understood that they had the possibility of solving the test.
One of the conclusions of the study showed the need to create people with growth mindset. That they understand that by persisting they can achieve the goals and not give up thinking that perhaps they cannot achieve them; and this is where Dweck recommends the following:
Rewarding intelligence or talent does not give results, since children get used to only valuing the achievement of goals. For this, it is better to reward effort, strategies, perseverance and progress.
The results in different tests led to the same thing. When the children knew that by trying hard they could achieve things and that by doing so their neurons created stronger and stronger connections, they were getting better and better results. While the test group that was not taught this; had worse and worse results.
So we already know how to promote leadership in children, to raise people who know that they can be better and better. Let’s just change the way we recognize your achievements 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.