In this article you will know how to overcome insecurities through the position of power and 4 basic strategies.
Whether or not we reach our goals depends to a large extent on how much confidence we have in ourselves.
What do you think happens when the man shyly walks to ask the woman to dance? He will most likely tell you no.
The dance example is basic. Let’s look at a slightly more complex one…
Do you think that the entrepreneur who is looking for investment is going to get it if he is totally scared and seems unsure of everything he is saying?
It is clear that by feeling sure of ourselves we can face challenges with more confidence. The thing is, we don’t always feel safe, and that lack of confidence, shyness or “fear of failure”, they can make us lose a million opportunities.
What is the solution?
To learn how to overcome insecurities, Dr. Russ Harris, psychotherapist, life coach, and author, has a powerful solution:
We must not depend on the confidence we feel to do or not do things, we must simply take risks and do them!
The reason is simple.
The sensations follow at Actions and vice versa. Let me explain:
- First we risk. (Action)
- Then we realize that we are able to do it. (Sensation)
- As a result we feel good. (Sensation)
- And finally we risk again. (Action)
It becomes a cycle, which to begin with, does not depend on the confidence we feel.
It is something similar to what happens with the expansion theory of the psychologist Amy Cuddy.
Also read: 2 incredible techniques to always have confidence in ourselves.
The position of power.
When we celebrate a victory, our body projects confidence through expansive postures: arms up, chest inflated, and head held high.
If you want to know how to project leadership with your body, click here.
Amy Cuddy conducted an experiment where she found that imitating those same postures (without celebrating anything), increased testosterone levels by up to 70% (which gives us a feeling of authority and power).
So it is only necessary to tell our body to act like a winner to make it feel like one.
In the same way, we may not feel like doing something, but shortly after starting to do it we will find the motivation to continue.
We may be afraid to face challenges, but by doing so consistently we will gain confidence and security. It is something like riding a bicycle; at the beginning we fall but later we gain the confidence to do it always.
Next we will see why we are insecure and how to overcome insecurities, but first, we would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5, to see how you have found this article so far. Thank you!
Let’s continue…
Why are we insecure?
In his book “The Confidence Gap: A Guide to Overcome Fear and Self Doubt”, Russ Harris specifies that our insecurity is not our fault; nor that it is due to being stupid, lazy, negative, to our childhood, or to a chemical disorder in the brain; we just don’t know how the trust game works.
That is why he distinguishes 2 realities:
- One in which we can only do things if we feel safe and want to do them;
- Another in which we act without caring that we do not feel like it or security.
Which one do you want to be in?…After everything we’ve seen, you know you should be in the second one.
Remember that the greatest source of confidence we can have is knowing that no obstacle is greater than our ability to jump it!
But to acquire this ability to know how to sell insecurities and gain confidence, Dr. Harris recommends taking risks even if we don’t feel confident, but also that we leverage on the following:
How to overcome insecurities.
- Be aware of the negative things that can happen, but without letting them take over us. By nature we are predisposed to see negative things. If our ancestors couldn’t see threats, they couldn’t survive. But that did not imply that they went hunting knowing that they were going to die.
- accept the discomfort it is key to be willing to take risks. We do not want to leave our comfort zone precisely because of the comfort it offers us.
So by accepting discomfort we are accepting to get out of our comfort zone. - have reasonable goals allows you to reach them. If we set ourselves unrealistic goals, we will fail more often and we will only be disappointed over and over again.
- Accept our values it gives us the ability to know who we are and only then will we know what we are made of when facing new challenges.
“If you hear a voice inside you that says ‘you can’t paint’, paint anyway and that voice will be silenced.” Vincent van Gogh
To learn how to overcome insecurities, we must understand that the most important thing is to take action; no matter how we feel.
You have to jump…with or without fear. But you have to do it. Only then will we realize everything we can achieve.
I hope this information is useful to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.