In this article you will know how to get through tough times, regardless of whether it is your work or professional life; These insurance strategies will help you.
The bad results will always be present. The chances of making common mistakes when starting a business are very high; and it will take time for you to adapt your idea and your business model to the market you want to enter.
That’s why you should put something in your head and always keep it in mind in difficult times: Success never comes overnight.
Also read: The history of Japanese bamboo (The reason for entrepreneurial failure)
The media tell us that you can easily be a millionaire. And it is evident. With all these stories of young people with brilliant ideas, which today are on the covers of well-known magazines, it is easy to think that success comes quickly.
It took Bill Gates a decade to make Microsoft a success. Steve Jobs spent two decades fighting to become one of the world’s most recognized entrepreneurs and transform Apple into what it is today.
Although Yahoo, Amazon and Google achieved success in less time; they needed between 3 and 5 years to achieve it. Even buying the lottery can take more than one lifetime to win.
If you are not having good results and you are going through one of those “difficult moments”, it is because there is something that you are not doing well. Learn how to overcome difficult times by taking the following steps into account:
How to overcome difficult moments to achieve better results.
Write your problems.
Seems like a “dumb” solution. But when you write down your problems, you’ll see them much more clearly. And this will allow you to understand them easier and determine if they are really as serious as they seem.
Just take 15 minutes a day and write about it. It is essential that you are consistent. It is useless to do it one day only.
Remember that people who write down their problems improve their health. Even, depression levels also decrease; This is stated by the MentalHealthAmerica portal.
Understand your feelings.
Disguising your feelings won’t make them go away. Rather, “hidden” feelings become trapped energy and can even have negative health consequences. Take some time to feel what you feel.
Face your problems.
The main thing is don’t blame anyone for your problems.
Never forget that thinking that someone else’s fault makes us give other people the power of our lives.
So you need to focus on how to get through tough times on your own. And not think about how others will get you out of that difficult moment (because if they can’t, you automatically run out of solutions, and that’s not the idea).
Since you already wrote your problems or difficult situations, you already have them identified.
Then do the following:
- Write a list of possible solutions.
- Take out the pros and cons of each possible solution.
- Choose the most realistic.
Then you must take action. Since you already have some alternatives, you need to make them come true.
Go one by one and don’t get discouraged. There are difficult situations from which it is very difficult to get out. However, it is not impossible if you really commit.
Have a positive mindset
What you think becomes your reality. That is why it is important that you do not allow negative thoughts to take over you.
A positive mind is the shortest path to a fulfilling life. And only in a full life it will be easier to learn to overcome difficulties. So start to see the positive side of things, that only then can you see the solutions.
Change your way of thinking.
Sometimes it seems impossible to learn how to get through difficult times. But it is not about our ability; it’s about our approach.
Have you seen people who take problems very calmly and can solve them?
Have you seen people who live worried and don’t have a second of peace of mind?
The difference between the two cases is emotional intelligence. And to improve the interpretation of the problem, you should do the following:
- Identify the positive aspects of the situation. It is much easier to see the bad than the good. However, many seemingly difficult situations are incredibly good opportunities. Thinking that within the bad there are good things, will create a balance; which will make you understand that it is not as serious as it seems.
- Ask yourself if the problem is really that serious. We often have an imagination that flies too high. And that is why when faced with apparently complicated situations, we imagine a whole “hell” that will hardly come to pass.
Ask for advice.
No one has all the answers. That is why it is natural that you ask your close people for advice.
Keep in mind that our subjectivity is biased by many variables: Fears, illusions, possibilities…
So telling others about our problems is a great way to learn how to get through difficult times, as it can give us a much clearer picture of what the problem really is.
//If it’s a really serious problem, like the death of a loved one, or a difficult situation that hurts you more than you can bear; It is best to ask for help from a professional
Make a plan.
While you don’t know what will happen in the future, you can always plan ahead. Look at the patterns in your life and see the challenges you have struggled with. Evaluate the optimal results and make a plan on how you can achieve them.
Work hard and don’t give up
Perseverance is a big key to overcoming challenges. Giving up means you won’t rise to the challenge or learn from it. In fact, to the extent that you realize that you can overcome obstacles, you will gain more confidence in yourself and future tests will seem easier to overcome.
Show yourself what you are capable of!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.