The Internet changed the world and our worlds. There are almost no limits to satisfy our consumer desires. We can buy what we want, where we want and receive it at the door of our homes.
As consumers, we find it tempting, but as entrepreneurs, it is much more so. Distances have shortened and our customers are no longer just around the corner. Many of us are hundreds or thousands of miles away. And this means, without a doubt, a growth opportunity that you should take advantage of when optimizing your e-commerce.
How can you start doing it from today? In this article, 4 simple tips:
How to optimize your e-commerce to reach the whole world.
1. Define your buyer personas: when knowledge is power
You can’t sell to everyone, simply because every product, from its inception, is created with someone in mind.
Although it is the team that we wear every day, we do not all wear the same jeans or choose the same kind of sweatshirts, we have preferences for styles, colors, prints, and the list goes on.
Regardless of the kind of product you offer, there is surely an ideal client, the one who will prefer you over other brands. He is the one you should talk to directly.
Leave the impersonal formulas, create an avatar of your perfect client and talk to him.
Get to know him in depth: what he likes, what he fears, what his problems are, who influences him when buying, how he communicates, what social networks he prefers…
Remember at all times that there is a person on the other side of the screen, and if you know them as a close friend, you can show them what you have prepared for them.
2. Do not think of the language as a limitation, use a translation company
If you only know one language, but want to see your business grow beyond borders, you can use a translation company to set up your web store in the language of your customers.
With a translation company as a strategic partner, you will be able to reach a much wider audience with your offer, without making excessive investments and maintaining the quality of your communication.
A professional translation company can be the step you need to take to optimize your e-commerce by expanding your audience and increasing your sales.
3. Design innovative product sheets, have creativity as your ally
After defining your buyer persona and contacting a translation company, you should consider the following:
We all want to know the available sizes and colors of the sneakers we like; if the battery of the computer that we are going to buy lasts a certain number of hours; or if the mobile we have on our wish list can take photos with a definition of x megapixels. However, you can say this and much more without putting creativity aside to optimize your e-commerce and using it as resource to generate sales.
When you enter a physical store, you have the help of specialized sellers to advise you. When you arrive at a virtual store, you can only use a product file to answer all the questions that arise before clicking “buy”.
If a user does not have all the data that is essential to make the decision, they will leave your site as they entered, so writing attractive product sheets can make a difference.
Many brands have successfully incorporated different product sheets. The cases of Ikea and the Kindle, from Amazon, are two of the most recognized, but there are other sectors, such as clothing or beauty and body care, where this technique is generating excellent results.
Once again, do not think that the language can represent a problem, a translation company, by transcreating the content, will ensure that the message, regardless of the language, keep the essence and generate the same emotional effect in the reader than in the language in which you created it.
4. Highlight advantages and benefits of your offer
Competition in mass consumption sectors is increasing. This forces you to show the best of your business. And the best thing, beyond the intrinsic quality of the product you sell, is How can you make life easier for your customers?.
Tell them why they should choose you over other bidders (advantages) and what they will get if they make their purchase in your e-commerce (benefits).
Payment methods, free shipping, limited time offers, pre-launch for frequent customers, discounts on future purchases, promotions, after-sales service, guarantee, exclusivity. The more you know about your ideal client, the better you can adapt to their wishes and thus optimize your e-commerce.
If you want to make your e-commerce a must-see place from anywhere in the world, research your ideal customers, create different product sheets, partner with a professional translation company, highlight your strengths and your differential, and jump into a new one. adventure.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.