Of all the promises you made for this 2018, how many are you working on? If you are like the vast majority, you will think that a few months have passed to make them come true. Unfortunately, just as these months have passed, the whole year will pass and some of the promises will carry over into 2019. What can we do about it? How to meet the goals I set myself at the beginning of the year?
After finding that we are 33% more likely to meet our goals if we stick with them for 30 days straight, Rory Vaden, speaker, co-founder of Southwestern Consulting and author of the Best Seller Take the stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success, shares 4 tips that have allowed him to achieve what he proposes:
How to fulfill everything I set out to start the year.
1. Promises are for every day.
Let’s consider 2 scenarios. One in which we want to eat better during 2016 and another in which we commit to eating better every day of 2016. It seems the same, right? In theory yes, in practice no. Whenever we have the possibility to start “negotiating” with ourselves, we give rise to breaking our word. Example: If we can say “I start in March and eat well for 10 months” you will have already lost 2 months! While making commitments that involve the day to day we leave no room for error.
2. Don’t stop working for your goal.
Rory says that a big promise isn’t a giant promise, it’s one we can keep. It is clear that it will not always be possible to meet your daily goals, either because you are sick, traveling or working extra hours; the important thing is to do at least something to move towards the goal. In Rory’s case, his goal was to work out every day of the year, when he couldn’t go to the gym and do his full routine, he would find the time and place to get some exercise in order to stay fit and focused.
3. Prepare what is necessary to always be able to meet your goal.
Let’s continue with the example of healthy eating. If you know that you are going camping and it will not be easy to get the right food for your purpose, go ahead and get what you need to take to be faithful to your goal. If you know your office is surrounded by fast food restaurants, make lunch at home and take it to work!
Foreseeing is essential so as not to flood ourselves with excuses and lose our way.
4. Take measurements.
A fairly common goal is to lose weight. How do you know if you are losing those extra kilos? Weighing you! Constantly measuring our progress will let us know if we’re on track, and if we’re not, it will let us know that we need to change something.
Rory emphasizes the need to be objective and not emotional and subjective. What is he referring to? Simple, it is not enough to ask our partner if he sees us as thinner, since in this way we let his love for us cloud an honest answer. We must put fear aside and face our progress with numbers.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.