We hardly find people who are very good at many activities; since we are conditioned to have to be specialized in something.
As a result of this, we dedicate our lives to improve in our hobbies and/or in some skill that may be related to work; but many times we think that we would like to learn new things.
We have the conception that mastering any activity requires a large amount of time. In fact, the Swedish psychologist K. Anders Ericsson carried out a famous study in which he said that to become an expert in something, you should invest approximately 10,000 hours. But there arises the misunderstanding, do we want to learn something new or do we want to be experts in something new?
Also read: 4 tips to learn faster than others.
10,000 hours is beyond the reach of many, but what if we were told that 20 hours is enough to learn something new?
How to master any activity in 20 hours.
1. Break down ability.
Learning what is necessary to develop a skill well requires that we know very well what we are going to invest our time in.
That is why it is advisable to break down the different parts that make up the skill in order to know which ones we should emphasize and practice more.
Also read: How to learn faster with these 6 extraordinary tips.
2. Learn enough to self-correct.
It is common to fall into the trap of procrastinating when we think we are learning.
If the goal is to learn to play basic chords on a guitar, there is no point in starting to study music theory. Just identify the position of the fingers and that’s it.
So you’ll give more value to your time if you learn just enough to be able to practice, evaluate how you’re doing, and improve.
Let’s remember that the important thing is to make the most of time and learn what we really need to achieve the goal.
3. Remove barriers.
Practice is what really allows you to master any activity. So do your best not to put up barriers that prevent you from doing so.
Either because you have a weakness for watching television, watching videos on YouTube or even going out to eat. The will that you have to decide and practice will bear fruit.
Also read: How to concentrate to study (23 tips + relaxing music)
4. Practice at least 20 hours.
When you start to learn something, it is natural to feel the frustration of not knowing what we are doing and an uncomfortable feeling emerges: feeling stupid. Nobody likes it, but we must be committed to practicing; before we even know what we are going to do.
Also read: How to take advantage of time and multiply it to your liking.
Josh Kaufman, author of the book In just 20 hours: Learn what you want quickly, also says that the biggest barrier to learning something new is not intellectual; it’s emotional. So If we lose the fear of thinking that we cannot, surely we can achieve it.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.