It is no secret to anyone that social networks are fundamental tools to generate and increase the interaction of your clients with your brand, monitor activity and search for and inform clients, among others. That is why companies hire specialized people who understand each of the social networks and get the best out of them for the benefit of the company.
When we are starting it is difficult to hire a good community managerThat’s why Guy Kawasaki, co-author of the book The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users share some secrets to use social networks in the right way to give your company the best benefits.
First thing… a good name.
To begin with, Guy suggests choosing a name that is logical, that is consistent with the product or service that we offer. He also recommends that when choosing it we not only think about the “now”. For example, if our service is the sale of brand “X” technology, it is advisable not to use something like: “X-shop”, since we do not know what the market will turn like and what will end up happening with that brand at some point.
the cover letter
In all networks there is a space for the description of the profile. This, like the first sentence of our resume, is what will make people see what we have to offer, so in a few words we must make it clear what we are there for. In the case of Kawasaki, through its networks we will find 2 words: Empowering people.
The value of publications
Everything we post must be important to our followers. We must show them content that makes them want to see our future posts. For this, Guy recommends being aware of the value that we are going to add to each publication, whether through information or entertainment.
In the same way, before publishing we must think if we are showing content that our followers would share. Each follower has a reputation and credibility to uphold, would they risk it by sharing something of ours?
Already knowing the importance of what we publish, it is important to keep in mind the importance of how often we publish. The activity must be constant, we want our followers to know that we are with them, and the best way to do it is by constantly posting content that they need.
The character of the characters
Surely you have heard that not all networks are used for the same and therefore it is not a good idea to publish exactly the same thing in each one of them. Guy suggests that one reason for this is that the length of what we write needs to be different between social networks to get the most out of it.
-The recommendation is the following:
- Facebook and Google: 2-3 sentences maximum, just to give a little introduction.
- Twitter: No more than 100 characters.
- Blog: Articles containing from 500 to 1000 words.
the time to interact
As long as we deliver the right content, to the right people, in the right way, interaction with our followers is imminent. Guy’s rule of thumb is: Be positive or don’t say anything.
Faced with any negative answer, the tendency is that people do not see why the answer is given, they will simply see the answer itself and nobody wants to be remembered as a pessimist.
Guy also suggests that in the face of any comment that incites debate, we see it as a 3 round fight. The follower comments on our post, then we respond giving our point of view. At this moment there are 3 alternatives, that the follower responds again stating that he agrees with us, that he responds to continue discussing or that he simply remains silent. In any of the 3 cases, it is best not to answer, because if you agree with us, we know that you are a happy follower and if you answer to continue the debate, it is difficult for us to reach an agreement that we did not reach in 3 rounds in more, so it’s best to agree that we disagree.
If you would like to know more about this topic or want to know something about a specific social network, let us know in the comments.
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