Have you ever wondered how to know what I am good for?
A lot of information shows us the importance of uniting our professional careers with what we are passionate about. That is: not only achieve success; also enjoy what we do.
Also read: 14 purposes that you need to have to generate money and be successful.
However, few people achieve this merger and end up in a job that allows them to live comfortably; but it has nothing to do with what they really want.
In this way, it is difficult to think about developing skills in other fields that are really of interest to you.
The lack of time and the fear of failure are the perfect excuses to get stuck in a job that we don’t like, but that we keep to ensure our financial future.
Then the question arises: How to know what I am good for? How to find what I’m really passionate about?
Below you will find some tips for you to focus and start looking for all the things that make you truly happy and teach you “how to know what I am good for”.
How do I know what I’m good for?
1. Define the lifestyle you want to live.
It is key that you determine what lifestyle you want to have, since it is the step that will base your future decisions.
Everything you decide must be consistent with the lifestyle you dream of. What time do you want to wake up every day, how many hours do you want to work, what would you like to eat, where would you like to live, who would you like to share with, would you like to travel constantly, live outside your country. Write it down and read it daily.
Also read: Tony Robbins’s secret to success.
This is incorporated directly into your brain. This motivates you and you begin to direct your daily actions towards what you want.
The idea is to be as detailed as you can, so that your brain can create a spitting image of what you want for your future every time you read what you wrote.
Normally we think of having a lot of money to be able to do what we want. However, this idea is too general to follow.
If there is something in your life that you don’t like, change it. Changes start with these small but important tasks.
2. Define your tastes and passions.
It sounds very obvious, but for many it is one of the most complex steps.
You’ve had that feeling where you know you like many things but you really don’t know which one you’re passionate about. Don’t worry, it’s normal. The important thing is that you start by making a list of all the things you really like or would like to do in your future.
Are you professionally in the field you like? In what topics or areas would you like to be an expert? Is there a topic you like but consider too complex?
Analyze and choose the most important for you. As long as they are related to the lifestyle you defined.
3. Look for sources of knowledge.
Your work may consume all your time and energy, making you believe that you have no space to do anything else. However, the only way you can find out what you want is to do your research.
Reading is the most powerful weapon, not only to learn but also to motivate yourself. The more you know about a specific topic, the more you will arouse interest in it or leave it for good.
We usually forget about our passions because part of our daily routine, such as strenuous work, responsibilities at home, and television, distract us from thinking about it.
Look for information on the internet, blogs or forums related to the topic you are passionate about, you can buy a book, or even like a Facebook page; whatever media you prefer and is easy for you to access.
Choose one or two sources to start your motivation process. The mind needs to train and incorporate this information on a daily basis. Create a routine to read at an exact time of day.
Also read: How to have self-discipline to read at least one book per month.
4. Take action.
Although it may seem simple, to understand how to know what I am good for, you must do something very important: take action.
It is a more complicated task than it seems and that is why we must know how to do it.
Normally we investigate but very few people take the next step. The idea of this search is that you make decisions and begin to change those things that you do not enjoy for those that you do. It is not about giving up everything you have or have achieved for what you like, although some people take this risk, it does not mean that everyone is equally lucky and we are in a position to do so.
Also read: How to know how to make decisions.
However, you can start to modify your daily activities in such a way that you begin to lead the lifestyle you dream of. You will feel a positive change in your routine, you will have reasons and enthusiasm to carry out your daily tasks. Step by step you could discover the way to leave everything you don’t like and start living doing the things you really enjoy.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.