When talking about entrepreneurship, a lot of emphasis is usually placed on the need to always get up; regardless of the number of falls or the height of them. So how do you know if you are ready to start a business?
It is natural for you to ask yourself the question, since you must face the difficult moments. Even great brands, which have much more stability than a start-up, must be prepared to rise after fail.
Giants like Apple, Lego, Nintendo and Marvel, among others; They have been seen on their knees. But its leaders had the right mindset to get the ship afloat.
We can all fall, but how many of us can get up?
Jim Afremow is a consultant for athletes whose goal is to strengthen their minds to achieve better performance. Just as a tennis player after an injury must strengthen his mind and body to aspire to be among the best again; Entrepreneurs must strengthen our minds to adapt to change and not let ourselves collapse twice for the same reason.
his last book “Champions Come Back: How Great Athletes Recover, Reflect, and Re-ignite”, is a guide on how to overcome defeat and achieve success. If we remember that 90% of startups fail, maybe we need help to develop the ability to get up, clean our wounds and remember what we have learned by looking at the scars.
How to always get up.
The main thing is to assimilate that we will not find results overnight. And that regardless of that we must continue.
Jim quotes Gregg Popovich, the coach of the San Antonio Spurs basketball team. “When nothing seems to help I go and watch the stonecutter hit the rocks with his hammer; perhaps at blow number 100 the rock does not have a crack, but at blow 101 the rock can split in 2 and I know that it was not the last blow that broke it, it was all the ones that came before it”.
This is how we must face our difficulties, persevering tirelessly because we absolutely trust our abilities to get ahead. But how do we know that we are prepared? Jim differentiates 2 groups and their mentality when preparing: The competitors and the champions.
How to know if you are ready to start a business.
You must identify what your mentality is…
Competitors are those who simply go through life with no higher aspirations. Letting themselves be carried away by the current because the majority is there.
They are the ones who build someone else’s dream because their comfort zone does not let them see further; while champions are what have the necessary conviction to face new challenges and enough mentality to get up after falling and be better each time.
“The competitor practices until he can get something right, the champion practices until he can’t get it wrong,” Jim says. That’s why the best ones make everything so easy to see! Messi dribbles defenses like they’re cones and Warren Buffett seems to have a crystal ball that tells him what will happen to his actions.
But be careful, recovering from a blow does not only require being prepared; we also need to see difficulties correctly.
“Competitors see threats, champions see challenges.” Faced with a threat, the normal reaction is to feel afraid and want to flee the situation. Faced with a challenge, the first instinct is to put our abilities to the test and discover what we are made of.
In summary, to answer how to know if you are ready to create a company, do the following.
- get ready.
- See difficulties as challenges.
- Persevere.
“Our biggest weakness is getting up. The surest way to success is always to try one more time.” thomas alba edison
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.