The day we made the decision to create our company; we begin to visualize everything we could achieve if we pursue our dreams. But right then and there, we started attracting more toxic people than ever before.
Either because they are pessimistic, envious and jealous; they seek to lower us from the cloud so that we are always at their level.
Successful people are everywhere, they can even be friends or family. That is why it is important that we know how to identify them and know how to treat them, so as not to affect the relationship. And above all, that their “toxic” attitude does not affect us or our effectiveness.
So the first thing is to know how to identify toxic people:
How to identify toxic people.
You cannot make the mistake of thinking that all the people who do not support you are toxic people. In your day to day, you can receive negative comments from people who want the best for you.
So let your guard down and analyze a little further. In general, toxic people like:
- Don’t apologize.
- Don’t “lose” any conversation.
- Make others feel inferior.
- Don’t take responsibility for your emotions.
- Handle.
- Ruining the good times for no reason.
- They pay more attention to the irrelevant.
- Create chaos to get attention.
- Exaggerate.
- Not respecting the limits of others.
- Play the victims.
You already know its characteristics. The next step, before learning how to deal with toxic people, is to understand why their comments can have such an effect on us.
We recommend you click here, and after you read it, return to this article.
Once you understand the effect of cortisol and its relationship to the duration of negative comments; you realize that it is simply a chemical process, and it is not anything that gives more power to the words of negative people.
And now… how to deal with toxic people?
How to deal with toxic people.
1. Understand that it can be a process.
By nature we tend to see the negative side of things. Don’t be surprised if those close to you have a hard time believing that you’re going to make it.
In the case of ModoEmprendedor, for many people it was impossible for a blog to become a source of income; and that it could be a venture. But the constant work and the results were showing them that they were wrong.
Now those toxic attitudes are things of the past.
2. Set limits.
If it is possible to establish a physical distance, we will be sure that their negative attitude will not surround us. Otherwise, let’s avoid sharing our progress and new ideas with these people.
If they are friends or relatives, there will be other things to talk about and/or activities to do; that will allow the relationship to continue to be built and will not give an opportunity for the labor issue to come to the fore. And as a consequence, they are less likely to hear your pessimistic comments.
3. Don’t take it personally.
It is important not to take their comments personally. Toxic people are like this with everyone and always see the glass as half empty. So our goals will not seem achievable to them.
We must be emotionally intelligent and not be affected by what they say. In the same way, if things are not going well and we make the mistake of telling them; they will see that their negativism had a reason of itself. And there we must be more intelligent to receive the wave of bad comments that want to drown our dreams.
4. Don’t get carried away by your emotions.
Remember the saying: “To fight, it takes 2”. When you see that a toxic person is determined to justify why your project will not come to fruition; nod and leave the conversation there. No matter what you are feeling, it is better to save time and words.
You may also be interested in: 7 signs to know if your workplace is toxic for you.
5. Choose your battles well.
You must know how to choose your battles. And against toxic people, it’s a losing battle.
They don’t lose any conversation, regardless of the veracity of the arguments you give them; all they care about is feeling like they’re right.
6. Talk about it with someone you trust.
It’s normal to feel bad about comments from toxic people. It’s natural. But not for that, you must allow them to bring you down.
The first thing is to accept that you are not assimilating the comments well and share that burden with someone you trust.
A foreign voice can give us other points of view on the situation, and make us understand the nature of toxic people; why they are not right; and why we should move on.
7. Don’t waste time thinking about their negative comments.
Our time is very valuable and we must use it well. So let’s not fall into the trap of thinking over and over again about the negative things that we have been told. That only reduces our productivity and therefore the probability of reaching our goals.
Negative and envious people have one characteristic in common: they believe they have the power to give value or not to the achievements of others.
It is for this reason that we should not waste time thinking about how to show them that we are making progress. If things are happening, they themselves will realize it; and little by little they will change their attitude towards our goals.
8. Block them from social networks.
It is possible that you apply the previous points and some toxic people continue to put the subject on you. Something very simple that you can do is block them from your social networks.
It’s easy to get over the fact that almost everything we do is uploaded to some social network. And a toxic person who respects himself, is looking for someone to drench with his bad vibes.
We hope that now you can more easily identify toxic people. That you know why their comments seem more important; and that you know how to treat them to move forward with your peace of mind.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.