In this article you will learn what the 4 types of people are according to their purposes, what are the near horizons and how to help young people define their path.
When we analyze the best in different areas, they usually have in common that they have identified their life purpose.
Not surprisingly, coaches like Tony Robbins are emphatic about the need to find “that something” that gets us out of bed every day.
Also, a defined purpose is the best ally to overcome any obstacle; and it becomes the biggest motivation when everything seems to be going from bad to worse.
Identifying our purpose is not only vital to achieving success. It is also vital to have a fulfilling life.
But how do we know that we are walking in the right direction if we don’t know where we are going?… Complicated, right?
“If the ladder isn’t leaning against the right wall, every step we take will take us to the wrong place,” says Stephen Covey, author of the best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
For William Damon, one of the leaders in research on the development of purpose in life and director of the Stanford Center for Adolescents; When it comes to purpose in life, there are 4 types of people:
4 types of people according to their purposes.
- disinterested: They are those who have no purpose and show little interest in seeking one. Some want to achieve certain goals but related only to themselves.
- dreamers: Those who have aspirations but have done little to nothing to achieve them.
- fans: They show interest in something but change purposes very often.
- determined: They are absolutely convinced of what they want to do and are able to maintain their passion and commitment to achieve it.
What category are you in? Where are your children?
In his latest book, William calls on all young people to find purpose and also on parents to educate their children correctly and learn how to help young people define their path.
The purpose of life is the answer to why we do everything we do. Finding it is not easy, especially when we are surrounded by what William calls, near horizons.
What are the near horizons.
The near horizons are that mirage of obtaining everything we want in a simple way.
All the media are responsible for selling us the idea that achieving “success” does not require time or effort. For example:
- Instagram photos of young billionaires.
- Models offering miraculous products.
- Realities delivering large sums of money for activities that take 2 months.
Here parents play a key role. They must be clear with their children and explain to them that in order to define THE PURPOSE it is important to understand that fulfilling it takes time. And also, that the reason why we do everything we do has a foundation that goes beyond the banal.
Here are some activities you can do with your children to teach them the importance of goals:
- Instruct them to check what is missing in the kitchen,
- Have them make the marking list.
- Make them responsible at the time of purchases so that everything is achieved.
They are simple methods to teach them to define a goal and that to achieve it we must take steps in a certain direction.
William also recommends the following to learn how to help young people define their path.
How to help young people define their path.
Listen to the flame…
At some point in our childhood we show interest in some activity to our parents. Did they know how to see it and push us to be better at it?
Perhaps, but independent of having had that fortune or not; our children deserve the opportunity.
Paying careful attention to what they tell us about their day is essential to identify those first sparks of interest.
…and then fan it.
If you have any idea what he might like, ask him a bit more about it. Have him emphasize why he likes me and try to find out if he would be interested in learning more.
Then fan the flame! Internet courses, personalized classes, camps… whatever it takes to give them more tools to develop their interest.
Use all 4 words.
Saying them does not have much science, but they are key words that have a huge influence, and will surely reinforce in children the confidence they need to meet the goals they set.
Many of us had overprotective parents who, in order to take care of us, combined their love with their fears and transmitted them to us.
Let’s not allow that! Let’s give our children the endorsement that they take risks and make mistakes. After all, if they want to fulfill their purpose, they must fall and get up more than once.
Learning how to help young people define their path is not an easy task. However, with dedication and small steps, we can guide them on the right path.
I hope this information helps you a lot and unites you more with your children 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.