In this article you will learn what are the Richard Wiseman’s principles and how you can change your luck simply by changing your attitude.
Throughout our lives we have all come across the concept of good luck, and countless objects created to attract fortune.
From Egyptian and Mayan amulets, to a large number of contemporary rituals to feel that, in a certain way, our luck is not something that depends on us and that, for that reason, we can entrust it to some amulet, belief or ritual; without making us responsible for it.
Don’t get me wrong, with this I’m not saying that the protection amulet your mother gave you before leaving (finally!) her house doesn’t work; that is a purely personal matter.
However, what if you realized that the only person responsible for creating good luck is you?
Right now you might be thinking, “Wow! Now, in addition to being responsible for my career, my business, (and… everything you want to add in this space) now I am also responsible for my luck. Isn’t that why it’s called luck?
Take a look at the following…
The meaning of “luck” according to the dictionary is: “cause or strength that supposedly determines that unforeseen or unintended facts and circumstances develop in one way or another’”. Which means that, being a force, indeed you can be the trigger to create it.
Later we will describe what are those forces or characteristics that make people lucky. But before we get to that, let’s think about what we’ve learned about people with good or bad luck.
What sets them apart?
Lucky people always seem to find opportunities; as well as being at the right time and place regardless of the circumstances. On the other hand, unlucky people just have bad things happen to them and rarely can explain why.
Let’s stop to think…
Good things and bad things happen to all of us, right? In other words, what happens to us is not what makes the difference in our lives. Have you ever thought that perhaps what really makes a difference is our attitude towards what happens to us every day?
It’s okay, if so far you’re skeptical that your luck depends on you and not on your rabbit’s foot tied to the rearview mirror, or the dollar you keep in your wallet; Let’s review the four characteristics of lucky people according to the study by British researcher and psychologist Richard Wiseman.
By the way, he is more skeptical than anyone. Just read the results of his research, which you can find in his book “The luck factor”, where it is shown that lucky people often cause his luck with his attitude.
Yes! Just with it! Namely, there is no secret formula. If at this point in your reading you feel cheated in some way, let’s look at Richard Wiseman’s four principles that make people “lucky”:
The four principles of Richard Wiseman.
1. The lucky people they are experts in creating, noticing and acting according to the opportunities that arise. The perfect example is the entrepreneurs who, in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, knew how to adapt their businesses in such a way that they were able to create opportunities in digital media; or even, they knew how to pivot their business and give it a “good fortune” turn.
two. They tend to be very effective when it comes to paying attention to their intuition and doing work such as meditation.. Activity designed to stimulate your intuitive abilities. In addition, it is a tool to better understand your thoughts, sensations and emotions; Not to mention the benefits of meditation positively influence peace and mental harmony.
3. Good luck people hope to be! As simple as that, this means that they create a series of self-fulfilling prophecies, because they adapt to their reality, anticipating positive results. This means that, they trust themselves.
4. The attitude of lucky people allows them to turn “bad luck” into good. They do not allow unfortunate circumstances to get the better of them and move quickly to take control of the situation. Namely, instead of thinking about your bad luck having been in the street while a storm was coming down, they think how lucky they are for having been able to enter that incredible cafe that they had never paid attention to; but without the torrential downpour they would not have been able to find it.
So now that you know Richard Wiseman’s principles of good fortune, you know that you can own your own luck and rework any situation into a beneficial situation.
Remember that good luck can be created by you from now on, being responsible for any attitude or behavior that leads you to have opportunities. Of course, to carry it out, it is vital to have the necessary confidence, as well as knowing how to take advantage of each and every one of the opportunities that arise in your life.
And finally, do not forget to take into account that perhaps the most important attitude is to have a strong sense of perseverance. I also invite you to follow me on Instagram 🙂