Getting up early is one of the biggest sacrifices that millions of people around the world make every day to start their activities. For some it turns out to be very simple, however, for others the sound of the alarm clock is the biggest nightmare How to get up early?
If you’re not, or don’t consider yourself a morning person, that doesn’t mean you can’t become one. Getting up early can become a habit if you manage to change your habits in such a way that you build an environment that helps you meet this goal. If you want to start your days on the right foot, here are some tips that will help you become an early riser.
one. Exercise and good nutrition.
Apart from being an excellent habit for your health and physical condition, exercising, especially in the morning, will give you an energy boost during the day that will diminish as night falls, making you feel tired from the exercise. This will help you seek sleep earlier than normal. Additionally, try to eat foods that are soft on your stomach, especially at night. Many people cannot sleep well after heavy meals, as their bodies have to work through the night to digest them, preventing them from getting a good night’s rest and therefore making it more difficult for them to get up early.
2. Set a smart alarm.
It happens to many of us that we turn off the alarm and immediately close our eyes after thinking about sleeping for “5 more minutes”. That thought that often leads us to arrive late to a meeting or to our work, just when we needed to be punctual. The problem is that turning off the alarm does not require us to be fully awake, even some people turn off the alarm while asleep and do not remember hearing it. To avoid this, we recommend that you use a Math Alarm.
Math Alarms are apps that won’t let you turn off your alarm clock sound until you solve a math problem, so by the time you do, your mind and body will be 100% active. If you don’t like the idea of waking up with this technique, you can download Smart Alarm, an application that keeps track of your sleep cycles and that you can program with a variety of sounds that will make your mornings much more pleasant.
3. Go to bed early.
Yes, yes, of course you already knew this, it’s pretty obvious, but why haven’t you started doing it? It will definitely be a lot easier to get up early if you’ve had enough sleep before that unpleasant alarm clock sound tells you that another day has begun.
You may have a lot of things to do at the end of the day and decide to use part of the night to do them, however, that will make the next day very unproductive. This problem will become something eternal because every day you will feel more tired. Seven hours of sleep will make you feel energetic and recharged to maintain a good work rhythm. The television or your mobile phone are great enemies at night, you could change them for a book or an activity that allows you to prepare your body to rest.
4. Allow sunlight into your room.
Sunlight alerts your body that it is time to get up, so if you want to make the most of your day, you should start it at dawn. Make sure you don’t leave the curtains or blinds fully closed before going to sleep, as light alerts your brain and makes it easier to open your eyes and get out of bed.
5. Make sure you have a reason to get up.
This reason cannot be “I have to go to work”. For most of us, this is simply an obligation that, although it forces us to get up, is not the reason we are talking about. Your life goes far beyond your work and you surely have goals and dreams to fulfill. When these dreams are true they will make you wake up early with pleasure, happy because you know that you can not continue wasting time in bed. Many entrepreneurs started when they still had a job and their dream of creating a business led them to get up to work on their business idea before going to work. Are you willing to do it?
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.