Statistics show us that the most successful people in the world… guess what… can say: I know how to get up early.
CEO’s, entrepreneurs, artists and influencers; They assure that being an early riser is one of their secret weapons for success and the best thing is that it is a weapon that is available to everyone.
Unfortunately, most people don’t take advantage of this great asset. Studies have shown that only 10% of people are considered early risers (those who get up at 6:00am or earlier), another 10% are night owls, and the remaining 80% fall somewhere between these two categories.
What shocks me the most is seeing how some people consider themselves ambitious, determined or passionate. If all the time they say they are tired, that they hate Mondays and that they need coffee.
They prefer to hit the snooze button and start each day with 80%. Despite this, they wonder why they continue to have the same results and continue to complain and increase their frustration.
Deep down, these people don’t have a sleep problem, they have a self-discipline problem.
Being able to control your body’s desires is a skill that comes with maturity.
Great leaders have said it. If we did everything our body wanted, we would be unemployed, obese, unsuccessful, and probably have more than one partner.
Science has proven that the morning routine sets the pace for the rest of the day.
How can we amplify our energy and motivation in the morning, and how can we change the behaviors we associate with 6:00am?
I managed to get $25 million before I was 30. Money that gives me the freedom to get up whenever I want. However, I have chosen to stick with my morning routine. I already know how to get up early and will continue to do so because I understand the benefits.
Find below 4 simple and practical tricks that will be the answer to that question that you have asked yourself many times: How to get up early even if I love to sleep late?
How to get up early even if I love sleeping in late.
1. Give yourself 3-5 minutes.
It’s not just about jumping out of bed. Get up, stretch, move your eyes. Do it for a few minutes. It is critical that you start the day away from stressful thoughts or activities. Instead, focus on step two.
2. Start with something you love (15 minutes)
It does not matter if it is breakfast, a shower, sex, playing with your children or reading a book. Whatever, do it immediately after step 1.
This will help you associate the morning with positive and pleasant thoughts.
3. 1800 seconds of exercise.
The next 30 minutes should be dedicated to a quick exercise routine. The goal in this case is not fitness. On the contrary, it is to increase energy and stimulate the mind to increase its activity.
Additionally, this routine will help you release serotonin (happiness hormone) during the time when you usually generate cortisol (stress hormones).
Believe it or not, scientific analysis has shown that if you do this for 5 days, your body will begin to identify mornings with joy instead of tension and anxiety.
4. Take back your dreams.
I usually tell people, “If you don’t like your job, you don’t like your life.” No matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to turn your horrible career into your dream.
If you have a business idea or hobby that you think could pay your bills, it’s time to get started. Invest the next 30 minutes in your sleep.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.
This article was originally published on startupcamp.com. Its translation and publication in ModoEmprendedor has been authorized directly by the author and cannot be reproduced by any other means.