Currently it is very common to hear the expression “Get out of your comfort zone”, it is even possible that you have used it with the intention of giving good advice. Despite the logic that is embedded in this statement, knowing how to get out of my comfort zone, where we feel safe and in control, is particularly complex.
Staying in the same place for many years is definitely the worst damage you can do to your personal and professional life. The moment you get stuck in one place, you stop learning, you start to lose motivation and you start to doubt yourself.
Also read: How to stay motivated even when you don’t have the energy to continue.
When you are in your comfort zone you stop learning, you lose motivation and you doubt yourself Click To Tweet
The path of entrepreneurship requires that you understand this concept and implement it into your life. An entrepreneur never stops learning and is always looking for new opportunities, many of them in unknown and difficult to navigate areas.
Find below what you need to know to understand how to get out of my comfort zone.
How to get out of my comfort zone.
1. You have to start being totally honest with yourself and stop making excuses.
Excuses are the downfall of every entrepreneur. Faced with any situation that seems complex, our brain creates all kinds of excuses to avoid facing this new scenario. This is totally normal, the important thing is that you do not allow these excuses to run your life and do not allow you to move forward.
The best things you can imagine happen outside your comfort zone, but only few people manage to know themselves and master themselves. Successful people do not create excuses to justify themselves, they are constantly changing for the better.
two. You must raise your standards and change your lifestyle.
Do you continue to focus your energy on goals that you know are easy to achieve? Do you keep leaving everything to the last minute and have not been able to take up the exercise routine? If you answer yes to these questions it is because you have a very comfortable life.
Raising your standards implies that you start doing things out of the ordinary and aim for goals that really meet your expectations, goals that make you feel proud. Realize that nothing you achieve easily will make you feel that way. The only way to get good results is to work for them.
3. You must be prepared for things not to work out as you expect.
Many situations in our life and especially the path of creating a company can make you have a hard time. You will fail countless times and you will most likely want to give up, that happens when you leave your comfort zone. The magic happens at that moment.
Four. You will need to get away from some people and meet new people.
There are always people around you who steal your energy. People who do not contribute to your personal growth. The sad thing about all of this is that they may be some of your closest friends.
Regardless of the experiences that have happened and the time to get to know each other, it is absolutely necessary that you walk away. If you really want to get out of your comfort zone, start surrounding yourself with positive people, individuals who inspire you to improve.
It can be uncomfortable trying to interact with people you don’t know, but it’s that effort to find a way to communicate and listen to new ideas that makes you grow.
5. You must get used to others criticizing you and not understanding what you do.
To know how to get out of my comfort zone, we need to do things out of the ordinary. This is when people start to criticize you and may even mock or attack you.
If you left your job to start your own business, it is very possible that you have experienced something similar. Many times your own family does not understand why you left the security of work for something that may not work.
You must learn to ignore. When you achieve your goals, all those who criticized you in the past will show up and tell you that they always trusted you to succeed.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.