In this article you will know the general steps to learn how to get clients and close sales.
All businesses are different. Even 2 businesses in the same niche can teach you how to get clients in different ways.
However, there are common factors. Factors, which I want to share below:
The first thing is to have an unbreakable mindset.
We can have the best idea of all; the idea that arouses envy among the people who know it; an idea that fills a great need, the idea that can be scaled and used worldwide…and once we can implement it…We don’t get clients.
Just at that moment when we believe we are closer to achieving our objectives, frustrations attack more strongly; so it is important to be prepared to receive many “no”.
It is up to us if we see the “no” as an obstacle or as a lesson, since each “no” will tell us what we are doing wrong. Until eventually, after correcting the errors, the first “yes” arrives, and therefore our first client.
From the outset, the main thing is resilient.
“Every NO from a client is not an obstacle, it is a lesson”
How to get clients.
Before starting the search, we must be very clear about a few things:
- Why we are the best alternative.
- What can we offer above the competition.
- How do we do it.
- What benefits we provide.
- What are our delivery times…
- All!
Segment and use the right tools.
With that in mind, it’s important to identify a niche and understand how potential customers think.
Are the ideal clients mothers with children between 2 and 4 years old? Contact them for parenting or baby health blogs!
Are the clients young athletes? Go to the parks in your city and talk to them!
To learn how to get clients, you must be clear that social networks play an incredible role.
Do you need potential customers to see photos of your products? Pinterest and Instagram allow you to reach a large number of people.
Do you need to reach too specific niches? Facebook allows us to select our target by age, location, tastes and interests.
Use email marketing, talk to friends and family, have business cards handy; at any time you can meet the first customer.
Once you get the chance, close the sale smartly.
Once you get that first meeting, it is not advisable to “go wild” to close the deal; The normal thing is that the possible client is unknown and first we must gain his trust.
How? Using the right sales techniques.
For example, if your business revolves around water purifiers, show them a catalog with the variables to take into account when buying filters; and if you are confident in your product, show them a brochure with different brands, features and prices.
Of course, totally free. He must understand that you are there to help him; not to charge you.
“Make the client understand that you are there to help him, not to charge him”
During the process, talk to them and ask if they have tried other alternatives, understand their fears and above all, understand what your real need is.
Continuing with the same example… Is it bringing clean water to marginal neighborhoods because the government demands it? Or is it to give a better quality of life to the inhabitants of those neighborhoods?
This way you can give it a more appropriate approach to lead it towards the conclusion that your product / service is the one it needs.
On the one hand you must be absolutely specificsince that potential first client does not see the same thing as you and perhaps our product/service may seem somewhat “confusing”.
On the other hand, even if he fully understands how you can help him, you must be patient and keep in mind that the decision may depend on different factors:
- Approval from superiors.
- Evaluation of other alternatives, to compare prices and experience.
- Budget analysis (which may not be for anything related to our product/service).
- Investment return analysis.
- Among others…
As with everything, if you want to learn how to get clients, you will only see improvement if you practice and keep practicing. You will find many “no’s”, but each one will be a correction in your path, but not an obstacle.
Keep in mind:
- Steel mentality.
- Segment.
- Make them see you in the right place. (FB, Instagram, face-to-face, etc.)
- Close the sale with the most appropriate sales technique.
We know that it is a process that takes time and that it is made up of many variables. However, we hope that this article will be of great help to you on your way. Many successes! 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.