In this article you will learn how to feel good even on the worst days.
Walt Disney said that “all dreams can be achieved if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Within that courage lies a factor that will make us achieve our dreams or work to achieve someone else’s: personal motivation.
If we really want something, we take it for granted that we will do everything possible to achieve it; but when we see few advances or have small setbacks, our motivation decreases; to the point of abandoning what we wanted.
So instead of seeing the barriers get higher and higher, we must find ways to jump over them more easily.
We cannot rely on positive results or external factors to keep us motivated. On the contrary, it is up to us to maintain discipline through self-motivation. How to achieve it?
The first thing is to understand that we do things because we want to do them and not because other people impose it on us(we all have the power to decide), says Scott Geller, founder of the CCenter for Applied Behavior Systems in the department of psychology at the University of Virginia.
Also read: How to self-motivate yourself to achieve practically everything you want.
To understand that difference, Scott emphasizes the importance of understanding that we do things to get far and not to run away from failure; and what makes the difference is how motivated we are to meet the objectives.
So to jump the barriers more easily and feel good, it is crucial to have our motivation to the maximum and we can do it in the following way:
How to feel good on those days when you want to give up.
To stay motivated and learn how to feel goodYou must answer these 3 questions:
1. Do I think I can definitely do it? (training)
The psychologist Albert Bandura defined this as self-efficacy in his book Self Efficacy Exercise Control.
This occurs when it is believed that one has the ability to succeed in specific situations; and it depends on the knowledge and practice that one has of the subject, on the self-confidence to learn, internalize and become an expert.
Also read: Believing in yourself and in your idea, the difference between success and failure of a new business.
So, the first thing you should do is prepare yourself and be sure that you are up to your challenges.
2. Will it work? (Knowledge)
Bandura explains it as the belief we have that our behavior when faced with a task will lead to the best possible result.
Being sure that what you propose will work directly affects your motivation, your state of mind and will determine your success.
3. Will it be worth it? (Motivation)
Every act brings with it consequences, so it’s clear that if you work hard something will happen. You want that something?
If the answer to all 3 questions is Yeahyou have everything you need to face the challenges again.
When you realize that you have the training, knowledge and motivation; you feel competent.
Surely you have experienced the feeling of powerwhen you know you can do something and better yet, do it well.
conclusion of chow to feel good
So remember that you can increase your motivation and therefore your mood when:
- You feel competent.
- You decide to pursue your fears and goals to go further and not to run away from failure.
- You think about the positive consequences of your actions.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.