In this article you will learn 2 methods to answer that question that we have all asked ourselves: How to feel sure of myself?
“I was at the perfect time, at the right time, in the right place.”
Sounds familiar, right? Surely you have heard it from famous actors, athletes and businessmen when they refer to how they made that “leap to success”.
Regardless of how they did it, they project confidence and make us wonder: “What do I need to do to feel confident in myself?”
Going far requires making the most of all the chances we have. So take advantage of the opportunities not optional.
At key moments we must get the best out of ourselves to aspire to better results. But what happens when we get nervous, we lose our words and we think that we are doing everything wrong?
It can be a client who does not buy us, an investor who does not show interest in our idea; Or just a wasted opportunity.
We must face those definitive moments with the best version of ourselves, but how can we achieve it?
How to feel sure of myself.
Amy Cuddy, psychologist and author, with the second most viewed video in Ted Talk history; in her book titled Presence: Bring out your bravest self for the biggest challengesdistinguishes 2 techniques so that you can say: I feel sure of myself.
2 incredible techniques to feel confident about myself.
At the mental level there is a very simple technique that produces great results. Amy calls her: Self-affirmation.
In an experiment they selected 2 groups: the first went through the self-affirmation process and the second did not.
The test consisted of stressing the participants by making them give an impromptu speech in front of a panel of judges who did not give any kind of feedback; they just looked.
In addition, the participants were recorded so that other people apart from the jury could rate their performance. Then they had to start subtracting from “a 13”, from the number 2083 and at some point the jury asked them to do it faster.
What did they want to see with this?… When we are prey to stress, our levels of cortisol (stress hormone) increase, increasing blood pressure and inhibiting the effects of testosterone; They give us a sense of authority and power.
In the members of the first group, which made self-affirmation, cortisol levels did not increase and they had a better response to the stressful test; while the second group increased their cortisol levels and performed not so well.
What is self-affirmation? Think of the 3 attributes that best describe you and choose 1; with which you feel most identified.
Reflect on it and remember the times when you projected that attribute. Focus on him and give yourself a place in the world.
It’s something simple, it will give you incredible results and it will allow you to say: “I know how to feel confident about myself.”
At the body level there is also something very simple that you can try so well. Amy calls him: Expansion.
Have you seen how the winners celebrate? Your body tends to take up more space. They raise their arms forming a “v” and their chest inflates.
It is a natural response. Even blind people who have not seen anyone celebrate celebrate in the same way.
The most interesting thing comes next…
A question arose for Amy: If people adopt these positions when they feel safe, could they feel safe simply by adopting such postures?
He got on task and conducted an experiment with 2 groups. The first would adopt the positions of victory and security (expansion). While the second would do the opposite: shy and fearful poses; how to snuggle and put your shoulders together (contraction).
After two minutes they measured cortisol and testosterone levels and the result was as expected. Group 1 increased their testosterone levels by up to 70% and in group 2 there was a decrease.
With this, they verified that simply by telling our body to act as if it were safe, we gain confidence and power!
They are two extremely simple tasks that allow us to get the best version of ourselves. Remember, taking advantage of opportunities IS NOT AN OPTIONAL; it is something we must do.
And finally remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.