In this article you will learn how to create and maintain lasting habits.
The well-known book “The Art of War” was written by a soldier in ancient China named Sun Tzu. What was written in his book transcended the battlefield, since his approach was similar to developing a strategy to achieve any goal, both personally and in business.
This book has been widely studied to generate growth tactics in companies and for personal development.
So how can Sun Tzu’s strategies help us create and maintain habits and improve our lifestyle?
Also read: Studies show what you should do to create millionaire habits.
In your daily life it is normal for you to set goals for your personal and professional development. These challenges sometimes lead you to fight battles against yourself and your willpower. For example:
These goals confront your mental and physical strength to achieve victory in your objectives.
However, some temptations are crossed to make this path more difficult:
- Spend money uncontrollably.
- Enjoy delicious but unhealthy food.
- Watch television when we can be exercising or reading a good book.
These are examples of these bad habits that make us lose the fight for a better lifestyle.
Also read: 5 habits that will transform your mornings and change your life.
The problem is that when we fail in our attempts, We blame ourselves for not having the courage or willpower to create and maintain positive habits.
How many times have you started an exercise routine without finishing it or subscribed to the gym but only went for a couple of days?
The good news is that according to Sun Tzu, failure is based on the strategy we use and not on our lack of will or work.
How to establish better habits.
Good military leaders play to their strengths and wait until their opponent is in a fragile situation to take advantage.
Therefore, the strategy to create and maintain habits is to avoid some areas where your progress may be very slow; or where you know you’re not that strong.
You must start with practices in which you can make rapid advances to affirm your strengths; and thus be able to cover what becomes more difficult for you later.
Also read: How to change bad habits for those that will make me successful.
1. Military strategy: You can be sure to win your attacks if you attack places that are without any defense first.
Adaptation to establish the best habits: You can be sure of success in establishing your habits, if you are sure that they are easy for you to maintain.
2. Military strategy: “He will win only if he knows for sure when to fight and when not to.”
Adaptation to establish the best habits: You will improve your results if you know which habits to start with and which ones to leave for later.
How to create and maintain habits.
As you already saw, being better is not just about having willpower or hard work; it is also a matter of strategy.
Normally when we fail in the attempt to achieve or change in some aspect of our life; because we are trying to create and maintain habits in an inappropriate environment.
If you want to start losing weight, don’t follow a routine for people who exercise every day or one for professional athletes. You will manage to do it in the future, but this is a battle that you cannot fight yet. Then start with easier routines that you know you can stick to.
If you are surrounded by people who complain all the time and have little vision to achieve what they propose; then you should start looking for people who have the same ideology.
For example, if you want to be an entrepreneur, you should surround yourself with people who contribute to your vision and motivate you. Find the right environment!
Also read: 5 habits that will transform you into a very productive entrepreneur.
If you want to do an activity during the day like writing, learning a language or reading; probably the best time is not before bedtime, when you are tired or sharing with your family.
These kinds of goals tend to fail when you don’t understand what you should establish a specific and appropriate time to be able to do them.
Creating and maintaining habits and goals in your life depends on how easy it is for you to start them. Change your strategy. Don’t waste your time fighting battles that are unlikely to be won.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.