In this article you will know how to create a company without experience according to Richard Branson and also a bit of how he created his empire.
It is a reality that a large number of people move away from the idea of creating a company due to lack of experience. In fact, it is somewhat reasonable; inexperience generates insecurity and insecurity demotivation.
But what if you knew that having no experience also has advantages?
The renowned entrepreneur and creator of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, affirms that it is not necessary to have experience to create a company; all you have to do is create something different from the customer’s point of view.
Branson has started businesses in various industries. Going through the record company, the beverage business, telecommunications, an airline, trains, cruise ships and even space flights.
In none of them did I have experience and in all of them I achieved success, time and time again.
Do you think that not having experience is an excuse?
An entrepreneur tends to be incredibly curious, which inclines them to learn by doing. Click To Tweet
How to create a company without experience according to Richard Branson.
This entrepreneur claims that Entrepreneurs tend to be incredibly curious and that inclines them to learn by doing..
This behavior helps them keep their minds open for the acquisition of new knowledge; what you convert is your most important asset.
Also read: He bet on impossible ideas and today he is one of the richest men in the world.
Instead of stopping to think if you have experience in a market, before starting your company; Think as a customer about what changes to implement. You must remember that a business idea does not have to be original to be successful.
These small changes could lead you to create a great product or service.
The vision of the experienced entrepreneur and one without experience, is biased by what the experienced already knows. That on most occasions, he inclines him to do things the way all companies do.
On the other hand, those who have no experience have a free mind to develop their imagination.
An experienced person is biased by what they already know, the one who doesn’t has a free mind. Click To Tweet
Some of Richard Branson’s ventures.
We always want proof of everything. That is why we will talk a little about some of this tycoon’s ventures; and why should we listen to him when he tells us how to start a business with no experience.
Virgin Records.
“That’s how Virgin Records was born and grew: without experience,” says Branson.
We were music fans, but we knew little to nothing about this industry. However, we went from being a small record store to creating our own record label and our own recording studio.
Also read: Richard Branson’s 10 favorite phrases about success.
Virgin Atlantic.
Likewise, Virgin Atlantic was born.
The only relationship that existed between the record company and an airline was Branson’s inexperience in both industries.
However, Branson’s travels between the United Kingdom and the United States allowed him to see, as a client; that there were better ways to offer the same service.
Virgin mobile.
In the same way Virgin Mobile arose.
Analyzing the situation as customers, they found a way to offer a better service for mobile phone users in the UK.
This approach has already become the DNA of the Virgin Group, which has launched some 400 companies since its inception in 1970. According to Branson, not all have been successful, but the learning from failure has been enormous.
That entrepreneur who has no experience, has a free mind to develop his imagination Click To Tweet
Another alternative to create a company without experience.
Depending on the situation, also you can hire or partner with people who bring experience.
Throughout its history, Branson has the advantage of being able to recruit CEOs with industry experience who join them upon retiring from industry-dominant companies.
Virgin offers them a space where they can develop all their ideas and unleash all their creativity.
Also read: 65 lessons from Richard Branson for entrepreneurs
It is true that by now, Virgin has the capital and all the advantages to enter any industry. However, this was not the situation of the first companies in the group.
Curiosity, perseverance and the certainty that a better service can always be offered; make Virgin the great company it is today. And they are the pillars to know how to start a business with no experience.
Not having experience is not an impediment; it will simply make the journey more entertaining and worthwhile.
The business world is full of multi-billion dollar companies that were created by people who had no experience in their industries.
They just had an idea that they strongly believed in and implemented it. If you are really thinking about creating your own company and feel that you do not have the experience or knowledge, do not stop; this is no excuse to give up.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.