It’s a reality to know how to start a business while you work it requires a number of efforts and taking some risks.
It would be ideal to be able to focus all our time on that business idea, but the truth is that we need money to maintain our lifestyle, while the business bears its first fruits; Therefore, continuing to work is mandatory.
Many successful companies were created by entrepreneurs who had great commitments and obligations apart from their business idea.
They are not people different from you, they are simply people who committed to the dream of being independent and created habits and routines to be more efficient.
For this reason, below you will find 5 tips that will help you know how to create a company while you work.
How to create a company while you work.
1. Use the 72 hours you have free per week.
Although it seems obvious, people’s favorite excuses for not continuing with their business idea is lack of time.
However, the week has 168 hours, of which you work 40 and sleep on average 56. Therefore you have 72 hours a week free; which you can dedicate to your company.
Clearly you need to eat, share with your family and friends; but you don’t need to dedicate one or two hours a day to watching television, looking at your social networks, or getting up after 11 in the morning on the weekend.
Saturday and Sunday mornings are time that most people waste watching television or sleeping late. The most successful people take advantage of this time to dedicate it to their business or personal development.
Also read: 6 Habits of millionaires during the weekend
2. Set priorities.
If you have the dream of creating a company, you must begin to establish priorities and make the most of your time to dedicate it to your business.
According to your routine, you can establish a schedule that includes a specific time and day to meet with your business colleagues; search for information about the competition; talk to suppliers and so on.
In the same way, maintaining your motivation is also an essential part if you want to follow the path as an entrepreneur. You can read articles and books that contribute to this initiative; and you can do it on the way to work or before bed.
According to your responsibilities, establish the best time to dedicate to your company. But remember, undertaking requires sacrifices and commitment on your part.
3. Delegate some activities.
It is a reality that when you are creating a company while you work, there are too many tasks and activities to do on a day-to-day basis.
Some require your supervision but other less important tasks can take up valuable time on crucial tasks.
For this reason, the accounting or the content for your website, depending on the idea you want to undertake, can be carried out by third parties. Do those tasks that only you can do; Delegate the rest.
Also read: Why bad students end up being good entrepreneurs.
One of the primary reasons you find yourself in an 8-5 job is the money and the stability it brings you in the short term. However, you must take into account why you are in that job and what benefit it is giving you on your path as an entrepreneur. Think this:
– Are you learning something that you can apply and contribute to your business idea?
– Do you have a monthly savings from your salary that allows you to invest in your project?
– Have you established the time you would like to be in this job before your company pays off enough to leave your current job?
The conditions are different for each person, but you must be clear that your goal at some point is to be able to leave your life as an employee and become the entrepreneur you dream of.
4. Remember that small steps make a difference.
When you’re starting out and you don’t have the time you’d like to take advantage of in your business, it’s common for you to feel that the progress you’re making is very small.
However, do not underestimate your efforts. The most important thing is that you know how to take action. Many people stay in this step.
Get up every day with a specific task to accomplish, something to do for your company. As insignificant as it may seem, you are contributing to the development of your project and you will see the fruits in the future.
In the same way, you will always keep your thoughts on your business so that this dream of being an entrepreneur becomes a definitive lifestyle.
I hope this information motivates you and you can fulfill what you want so much 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.