What you will read next is part of our book How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, use your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another that you can acquire by clicking on this link.
Creating a company while you work is one of the biggest challenges many professionals face, however it is a great way to test your idea and your skills as an entrepreneur.
The perfect scenario to create a business would be to have enough money to invest in your business idea and not have to worry about your personal and/or family expenses. But let’s face it, this scenario is utopian in the vast majority of cases. Very few are lucky enough to be financially secure to be able to focus exclusively on their new project.
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For this reason, quitting your job can be a luxury you can’t afford. Surely you have debts, bills to pay and the salary is not enough to save. However, there is no reason to prevent you from doing both at the same time. It will require sacrifice but it is not impossible.
Most of the difficulties to carry out the two activities have to do with managing the time and energy you have to increase your workload. Find below 4 strategies that will help you fulfill your dreams without leaving your job.
1. Organize your time carefully.
It is vitally important that you create a clear and very realistic work schedule that allows you to dedicate a few hours of your day to your business idea. You will have some days busier than others, but the most important thing is that you reserve at least one hour a day. An hour may not seem like long enough, but you’ll be surprised how far you’ll have come in a week or a month.
Create a routine that allows you to work on your idea for a few hours a week, so you can more easily measure your progress.
2. Create daily goals.
The main key is time management, so if you want to get the most out of it, you’ll need to create detailed goals of what you want to accomplish. If you start the day without knowing exactly what you will do, you will waste the space you allocated to work, in planning. Make a list and create deadlines. It is important that you are strict with the fulfillment of these objectives.
To make this list, mark each goal with a priority level and the approximate time it will take you to complete it. In this way you will be able to determine which activities require more attention and you will be able to decide which ones you should carry out personally and which ones you can delegate.
3. Make sacrifices, it will be worth it.
Our body has limits. Working 8 hours in a company and then coming home to continue working will require all your energy. However, these limits are created by our mind and in most cases they are not real.
Our brain continually deceives us. If you have to choose between working or checking your email, your mind will choose the second option, why? Why is it easier? That happens to us continuously and it is for this reason that we fall into the procrastination trap. We postpone all those activities that have a certain degree of difficulty and replace them with other simpler ones.
Perhaps sitting on the sofa at home to watch television is the perfect plan after you get home from work, however it is valuable time that you can take advantage of to create your company. You deserve that space to rest, it’s true, but are you willing to make the sacrifice?
4. Exercise and nutrition.
This is one of the most important aspects and to which less attention is given. Why is it the most important? To increase your workload you will need more energy, otherwise it will be more difficult for you to make the decision to work on your business idea, and to do so you have two options, exercise and a good diet.
It is possible that you think that you do not have the energy to exercise, much less if you now have two jobs. However, scientists have shown that exercising increases your energy levels and gives you the opportunity to be more productive. By exercising, your body raises the energy charge to meet the physical activity, creating a drive that continues hours after exercise.
Also read: 4 Steps to create an exercise routine
On the other hand, it is food that serves as a source of energy. It’s up to you if you consume the right ones. Considerably increases the consumption of proteins, which you find in meat, chicken and fish and decreases the consumption of sugar. Avoid heavy meals and in large quantities, especially at night, as your body will need a lot of energy to digest food.
Also read: Eating habits that increase your productivity
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.