With all the distractions around you, it’s hard to stay focused and focused on your studies.
You may have had moments where you go online to search for study material and end up checking your Facebook profile or uploading a picture to Instagram.
Other times, your 5-minute study break could have turned into a 30-minute phone conversation with your friend. Then, there may be times when you reached for your phone to check the time, but you were left looking at Whatsapp messages instead.
It’s easy to lose track of time. From the constant noise and distractions of the social world to feelings of fatigue and stress, almost anything can easily make you lose focus. For the average student, much of the battle is staying focused.
Here are some easy-to-follow tips so you know how to focus for studying and eliminate any distractions along the way.
How to concentrate to study.
1. Create a designated study area.
Creating a space to study will maximize your learning efficiency. As much as possible, you should designate a special place to study. Don’t do anything else in that space. If you have a designated space, you will associate this space with “study.” Once there, you’ll have no trouble getting started.
2. Your space must be well lit and airy.
The right light will help you stay alert. Lighting affects sleep, mood, focus, motivation, concentration, and therefore your performance. Avoid studying in your bed. Sit in a comfortable but not too comfortable chair, or you’ll end up asleep. While sitting, sit up straight as it will help you focus.
3. Clear your space.
The space you designate to study should be tidy and have fewer distractions to allow you to focus. Clear your desk of anything you consider unnecessary. The only things you should leave in front of you are those absolutely necessary for your work.
This means that any electronic device, images, books, stationery, bags, etc; that you don’t need for the task at hand, they should be saved and gone. Also, keep aside notes and tasks from other topics, as they will make you worry about the pending work.
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4. Have your study materials and stationery in advance.
Most of the time, you have to get up from your desk to look for something you lack (a pen, paper, etc.), and this task ends up consuming a lot of your time and you will never know how to concentrate to study. Make sure everything from your pens, notes, brochures, and books are within easy reach so you don’t have to get up while studying. Ideally, you should have everything set up the night before or a few hours before your study time.
You already have the first thing that is a suitable space, here are some recommendations:
5. Play background music.
Some people prefer to have background music. It could help you disconnect from all the noise in the environment. But make sure you’re not listening to loud volumes or music you can sing along to. Lyrics can be distracting, so listen to instrumental music. Ambient music, such as the sound of rain, waterfalls, or white noise, can help you eliminate distractions.
These are some audios that I use:
I also share an application that I use a lot. It’s very simple, it has a soundscape that lasts 45 minutes and the recommendation is that as soon as it’s over, we take a break.
Download link for iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/study/id528999600?mt=8
Download link for Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thesoundagency.study&hl=en
6. Stay hydrated.
Staying hydrated will increase your concentration skills. Make sure you have clean, fresh water within easy reach. Drinking water can improve the brain’s ability to complete tasks that require a quick response. Chronic dehydration can cause migraines and stress and reduce your ability to concentrate.
7. Block out distractions.
Turning off your phone, shutting down your computer, or blocking social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, or any other that distracts you from your goals.
To block access to certain distracting web pages, I use a free Mac app called Self Control. They can also install a Google Chrome extension called Stay Focused.
8. Follow a study ritual.
Start by estimating the number of hours needed for each task, each week. Then allocate a specific time for each topic. This will ensure that you don’t have to worry about completing the other topics since you have allocated time for each one. Also, preparing a daily study schedule will help you stick to the schedule. Create a detailed task list. Establish a routine for everything from when to sleep, when to get up, when to eat, and most importantly, how much time you should spend studying and revising.
9. Organize your schedule according to your energy levels.
For a week, try to see when your body and mind are most focused. Do you feel more focused in the morning or do you focus better at night? Each person has their own biological rhythm. Try to study during the time when you are highly focused and at your best. Try to study subjects that require a lot of concentration during those periods.
10. Make the tasks less pleasant at first.
Cover the more challenging and difficult topics or portions before moving on to the easier ones. This It will decrease procrastination. Also, if you do the hard tasks first, the rest of your to-do list will seem manageable. If you do the easy ones first, you’ll waste a lot of time worrying about the hard stuff. This will reduce your productivity and ability to concentrate.
Also read: How to create a company if you are studying and do it well.
11. Be flexible with your study schedule.
There is no set rule when it comes to hours, but be flexible with your study schedule. If you feel like you need an extra hour for a particular topic, then do some juggling or modify your schedule.
12. Divide your goals into parts.
Don’t try to bite off more than you can chew. Make your goals more achievable by dividing them up. For example, if you must read an entire book, break it down to 20 pages per day.
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13. Be an active reader.
Before you dive in and start studying in depth, briefly read the chapter and the topics you will study. This will help you mentally prepare for the upcoming study session.
Look at the headlines and summaries. Try to get an idea of what the chapter is about. As you read the headline, ask yourself questions. And as you read, try to find answers to your questions. Read one paragraph at a time. Once you’re done, make a mental summary of what you learned. Always take notes and highlight important points. This will engage your entire body and help you stay alert.
Also read: How to have self-discipline to read at least one book per month.
14. Read aloud.
Read aloud whatever you are reading. Your thought process slows down when you are speaking. So you tend to focus more on what you’re talking about, which will help you block out distractions.
15. Write and remember
Writing something makes you remember things better. Writing down what you read helps to commit what you have learned to your long-term memory.
16. Associate your theme with practical things.
Relate your topic to practical things. This will help you make your topic more interesting and avoid distractions. For example, if you are studying about the Trojan War, try to connect the events to the Hollywood movie “Troy” (a historical film based on that war).
17. Reward yourself.
To stay focused, you need to reward yourself and offer yourself some form of motivation. This will keep you motivated and focused.
For example, allow yourself some TV time or a quick chat with your friend after finishing a topic.
18. Take regular breaks.
Studying for long hours will overload your brain and reduce your productivity and creativity. Take regular breaks every 20 to 30 minutes. Set a reminder if necessary. Try not to do anything productive during your break time. Be sure to get up from your desk and walk around the room for a couple of minutes. Walking will improve blood circulation and help you be more alert. It will restore your focus and energy when they run out.
19. Try the “5 more” rule.
Whenever you are about to give up, repeat that you will give up once you study 5 more things or study for 5 more minutes. Once you’re done, aim for another 5. Breaking your tasks into smaller chunks will help you focus more and help your mind stay sharper longer.
20. Chew gum
Chewing gum increases oxygen flow keeping you more alert and prolonging your focus.
21. Visualize the completion of your goals.
When you visualize your goals, you will know what you are striving for. Keep visualizing the future and the things you want to achieve. This will allow you to work more motivated.
22. Avoid being “multitasking.”
Multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance due to “attention residual”. Just focus on one thing and do it well.
23. Avoid studying close to your bedtime.
Never study close to your bedtime. If you usually fall asleep at 11 PM, don’t schedule your study time at 10:30 PM. You will eventually end up sleepy by 11 PM and spend most of your time trying to stay alert.
And finally remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.