In this article you will learn how to combat anxiety through 13 strategies.
Undertaking is a winding path, in which the obstacles seem bigger than our will. Therefore fear and anxiety can take over us.
Here are 13 effective strategies for you to know how to combat anxiety, some given by the psychologist and author of Freeing Yourself from Anxiety, Tamar Chansky.
How to combat anxiety with these 13 effective strategies.
1. Take your time.
It is impossible to think clearly when you are overwhelmed with fear or anxiety. The first thing you should do is take a break so that you can calm down physically.
Get away from worry for 15 minutes by walking around the block, making a cup of tea, or taking a bath.
2. Follow the 3-3-3 rule.
Look around you and name three things you see. Then name three sounds you hear. Finally, move three parts of your body: the ankle, the fingers or the arm.
“Any time you feel like your brain is going 100 kilometers per hour, this mind trick can combat anxiety, help focus your mind; bringing you to the present moment,” says Chansky.
3. Breathe through the panic.
If you start to get a faster heartbeat or sweaty palms, it’s best not to fight it. Stay where you are and just feel the panic without trying to distract yourself. Place the palm of your hand on your stomach and take a slow, deep breath.
The goal is to help the mind get used to dealing with panic, which takes away the fear of fear.
4. Face your fears.
Avoiding fears only scares you more. Whatever your fear is, if you face it, it should start to fade away. If you panic one day, for example, in an elevator, it is best to get on an elevator the next day.
5. Stand up straight.
“When we’re anxious, we slouch to protect our upper body, where our heart and lungs are,” Chansky says.
For an immediate physical antidote to this natural reaction, roll your shoulders back, stand or sit with your feet apart, and open your chest. This helps your body feel like it’s back in control.
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Let’s keep going…
6. Imagine the worst.
It is not easy to know how to combat anxiety, but try to imagine the worst that can happen. Maybe it’s a panic attack and a heart attack.
Then try to think that you have a heart attack. It’s just not possible. Fear will escape the more you chase it.
7. Look at the evidence.
Sometimes it helps to defy fearful thoughts. For example, if you are afraid of being trapped in an elevator and suffocating, ask yourself if you have ever heard of this happening to someone. Ask yourself what you would say to a friend who has a similar fear.
8. Reframe what is happening.
Panic attacks can often make you feel like you are dying or having a heart attack.
Remind yourself: “I’m having a panic attack, but it’s harmless, it’s temporary, and there’s nothing I need to do,” says Chansky.
Also, keep in mind that this is really the opposite of a sign of impending doom: your body is turning on its fight or flight response, which will keep you alive.
9. Visualize a happy place.
Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a place of safety and calm. It could be a photo of you walking on a beautiful beach, or curled up in bed with the cat next to you, or a happy childhood memory. Let the positive feelings calm you down until you feel more relaxed.
10. Talk about it.
Sharing your fears will greatly reduce them. Seek to talk to a partner, friend or family member. By doing so you will understand from another perspective that fear is not as big as it seems.
11. Go back to basics.
Many people turn to alcohol or drugs to “lower” their anxiety, but this only makes things worse.
Simple, everyday things like a good night’s sleep, a healthy meal, and a walk; they are often the best cures for anxiety.
12. Reward yourself.
Finally, treat yourself. When you have faced what you feared so much, for example, making that call that terrified you; reinforce your success with a massage, a walk in the country, a meal, a book, a good movie or any small gift that makes you happy.
13. Stay away from sugar.
It can be tempting to reach for something sweet when you’re stressed. But that candy bar may do more harm than good, as research shows that eating too much sugar can worsen feelings of anxiety.
Instead of reaching into the candy bowl, drinking a glass of water or eating protein is a much better alternative, Chansky says.
Almost everything that torments us exists only in our head. We are the ones who sabotage our peace of mind.
So automatically, we are the ones who are able to change the situation.
I hope you are strategies to learn how to combat anxiety They will be of great help to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.