In our day to day we do many things that we should not think much to do.
For example, most people eat breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, and dinner at night. It is not necessary to think every day about doing it. Similarly, when it’s late and we feel tired, we just go to bed and sleep.
They may have been doing it for years, but that’s not why they’re doing it right.
Also read: How to master an activity in 20 hours.
Sleeping and eating at odd hours, getting up and not feeling rested, not eating balanced and being overweight; It is the reality of many people who have transformed these customs into habits.
Every day we do practically the same thing and I repeat, the fact that we have been doing it all our lives does not mean that we do it well.
The same thing happens with an activity that we literally depend on to live, and that we do completely unconsciously: Breathing.
Importance of breathing well.
As obvious as it seems, Belisa Vranish, MD, clinical psychologist, author, and speaker; He argues that breathing affects sleep, the back, memory, anxiety, digestion; to the adrenal glands and the immune system. Therefore, if you are not breathing correctly, you are greatly harming yourself. But how to breathe correctly?
Before answering this, we must understand that from a very young age, circumstances lead us to breathe badly.
In his TEDxTalk, Vranish gives an incredible example: When we go to the doctor, he asks us to take a deep breath and puts the stethoscope on our chest. What makes us think that a good breath is given by inflating our chest. But it’s not like that.
Also, from a very young age we get used to sitting down and that makes it difficult for the diaphragm to reach its maximum expansion and from there everything starts badly, since the diaphragm plays a fundamental role in breathing. This is because to breathe correctly, we must not inflate the chest, we must expand the diaphragm.
As you can see, it is the lower part of the lungs that stores the most air.
How to breathe correctly.
Horizontal vs Vertical.
I got a little ahead of myself but you know that; You must expand the diaphragm but not the chest. This will make the difference between breathing vertically (raising the shoulders) and breathing horizontally. That is why it is important that you take an expansive position, which will not only help you breathe better, it is scientifically proven that it will make you feel better.
Do it through the nose.
In his book titled Breathe: The Simple and Revolutionary 14-Day Program to Improve Mental and Physical Health, Vranish insists that in order to know how to breathe correctly, we must breathe through the nose. Mainly because of the difference in the quality of the air we breathe, if we compare it with oral inhalation. (You can deepen the information on this topic by clicking here)
Whenever you breathe you should think about this: Breathe in through the nose expanding the diaphragm and exhale through the nose contracting the diaphragm.
Mark Devine is a former US Marine and best-selling author. Vranish refers to him and his technique called “the breathing box”.
It is simple and I hope you will practice it as soon as you read it and experience what it feels like to breathe correctly:
1. Inhale through the nose expanding the diaphragm for 5 seconds.
2. Hold your breath for 5 seconds.
3. Exhale through the nose for 5 seconds, contracting the diaphragm.
4. Hold your breath for 5 seconds.
5.Start again.
Close your eyes and do it, you won’t regret it.
Vranish calls this, tactical breathing, it’s basically the same thing, just change the times. Learn how to do it in this video.
“We come into the world with a certain number of breaths, we can take them quickly and live a short time or we can take them slowly and deeply to extend our lifespan.”
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.