In this article you will know 4 tips that will teach you how to believe in yourself and achieve everything you want.
The word ability is defined as the ability of a person to do something correctly and with ease. Do you think it is possible to say that you have the ability to believe in yourself?
The Dr. Ivan Josepheducator and speaker, believes that as long as you can practice and improve, you can talk about ability.
Great leaders believe in themselves before anyone else and that allows them to overcome the difficulties of entrepreneurship. And in turn, it is what allows us to inspire the new generations to believe in themselves.
So if it’s something we can improve and it will do our business good, why not start practicing it?
Ivan Joseph shares some tips in his TEDxTALK titled The skill of self-confidence, and begins by saying that as a football coach, the last thing you need from your students is for them to be fast or strong; since the only thing that he will do that they can exceed their goals, is believe in themselves.
How to believe in yourself.
Use repetition.
The first type is REPETITION. We feel sure of ourselves when the task we have to do is not new to us and we do it well; That is why we must practice it as many times as necessary.
For example, if we project insecurity when presenting our business idea to potential investors, all we have to do is practice and keep practicing. As we do better, confidence in ourselves will grow and we will get used to feeling like this.
This works for any aspect of your life. Practicing will give you the confidence you need.
Learn not to give up.
How many people do you know who have said that their next goal is to lose weight? Now think about how many have made it. It is normal that the vast majority of these people have not reached the goal and the reason is related to the second tip of Dr. Ivan Joseph, which is NOT GIVING UP.
Great entrepreneurs have been victims of rejection and that is not why they stopped pursuing their dreams.
A clear example is Colonel Sanders, creator of KFC, who was rejected more than 1,000 times when he tried to get other restaurants to sell chicken with the recipe he had created. Jack, Ma the founder of Alibaba, was also turned down for dozens of job interviews and today is one of the richest businessmen in the world.
Elon Musk failed over and over again in rocket launches with his company Space X. Today, NASA has contracts with Space X for its space missions. Phil Night, began selling his sneakers from the trunk of his car and had to fight with the greats of the moment, such as Adidas. Today it is one of the most recognized sportswear brands.
Building self-confidence is not a one-day task, but we are certain that if we don’t give up, we can achieve it. Motivation comes and goes but every day that you don’t give up will bring you a little closer to success.
Change your mindset.
The third tip is incredible and very simple. It simply is CHANGE THE CUSTOM that we have to think that we cannot achieve things. It is educating our inner voice to always tell us that YES we can.
In his talk, Ivan shares with the audience the phrase that is always repeated in difficult moments: I am the captain of my ship and the master of my faith. In this way he constantly reminds himself that he is in control of the situations that surround him and he builds confidence in himself day by day.
Everything you think possible will lead you to take action. If at any point you stop believing, you will surely fail. Everything is in the mind.
Write yourself a letter.
To accompany this continuous practice, he shares another tip and it is WRITE A LETTER congratulating ourselves for being who we are; reminding us what are the things that make us feel proud and what are the goals we have achieved.
In adverse moments it is easier for us to tell ourselves that we cannot do things. That is why reading a letter that we wrote when we felt incredibly well will clarify the panorama and give us the necessary encouragement to continue believing in ourselves.
We can be better at believing in ourselves. It is a skill that can be reinforced with work and dedication; like any other skill. So it’s in our hands to see ourselves as the incredible versions that we can be.
In addition, in order to see results with the previous tips, Dr. Ivan Joseph highlights the importance of staying away from people who do not want to see us grow, that is, toxic people. Since they become an unnecessary burden on our way to have confidence in ourselves.
And finally, the most important thing is to always keep in mind that if we don’t believe in ourselves, no one else will.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.