“How to be smarter” is a question we have repeatedly asked ourselves.
Learning how to be smarter brings us closer to our goals faster. We don’t have to be able to multiply faster than a calculator; but if we can see the problems from the right perspectives; Being smarter will allow us to find faster solutions and if we talk about entrepreneurship; cheaper solutions.
In the story we find extremely intelligent people, each in different areas. People who revolutionized their fields and turned humanity around.
Of all of them, we can say that they were intelligent. So, what are you waiting for to be the next revelation?
It is clear that learning how to be smarter is a topic of interest. That is why science has been in charge of carrying out many studies and it has been found that the following 9 methods will teach you how to be more intelligent.
How to be smarter according to science.
1. Play video games.
For many people, gaming entertainment is a complete waste of time. For doctors S. Kühn and T. Gleich, the leaders of this study, it is a way to become smarter.
After analyzing changes in the brain of 23 adults who played Mario Bros 64 for 2 months, 30 minutes a day; concluded the following: “Playing video games causes increases in brain regions responsible for spatial orientation, memory formation, and strategic planning, as well as fine motor skills.”
In the following video, researcher Daphne Bavelier explains more relationships between video games and brain development.
2. Meditate.
One of the most common habits of millionaires is to meditate in the morning. If we see that many successful people do it, we think it must be something interesting, but when different studies prove that meditating makes you smarter, it is not just a coincidence.
According to the PsychologyToday portal, the researchers found that a short period of meditation allowed people to make more rational decisions when considering the information available in the present moment; which led to more positive results in the future.
3. Write by hand.
In one study, students who took notes by hand generally outperformed students who typed their notes on the computer. This was discovered by researchers from Princeton University and the University of California at Los Angeles.
Compared to those who write their notes in digital media; people who write by hand seem to learn better; retain information longer and more easily capture new ideas. Based on experiments by other researchers who also compared note-taking techniques.
4. Exercise.
Knowing how to create and maintain an exercise routine will not only help you look good, according to this study, it will help you increase the production of “Brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF.”
BDNF is a protein that promotes the growth and formation of new neurons. So in theory, the more you exercise, the smarter you get.
5. Read.
It is evident that knowing how to read many books, you will learn many things. The point is that at the biological level changes occur.
For Gregory Berns, director of the Center for Neuropolicy at Emory University, reading novels increases neural connectivity in the left temporal cortex (the area associated with language receptivity), at least for a long time.
Are you still wondering how to be smarter? To read!
6. Play an instrument.
“Especially for children, we found that learning to play the piano, for example, teaches them to be more self-disciplined, more attentive, and better at planning.
All these things are very important for academic performance, so they can make a child brighter”; says Lutz Jäncke, a psychologist at the University of Zurich.
In addition, according to the newspaper “Neuroscience” ensures that learning to play instruments develops communication and cognitive skills.
7. Take naps.
It seems ironic. We associate people who sleep during the day with lazy and unproductive people; but apparently that allows them to learn how to be smarter.
A study was given the task of comparing the effects of caffeine and naps on information retention. The experts found that sleeping during the day was not only good for retaining more information; it also increases alertness; the creativity; reduces stress; improves perception; the resistance; motor skills and precision.
8. Learn another language.
If you follow ModoEmprendedor, you will know that we often talk about the importance and techniques to learn another language.
Apparently it is not simply so that you have more knowledge and opportunities at your fingertips, according to a study carried out by researchers at Penn University, learning another language strengthens the brain.
Ping Li, leader of the research, assures that, like physical exercise, the more we use certain areas of the brain, the more it grows and becomes stronger.
9. Consume less sugar.
The consumption of sugary drinks has a direct relationship with the reduction in the size of the hippocampus, responsible for our short-term memory. This is confirmed by a study conducted by the Boston University School of Medicine.
The study ensures that more than two sugary drinks a day (for a prolonged period) can accelerate brain aging from 6 to 11 years.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.